Saturday 10th February 2024

1am GMT Twice-Monthly, First and Third Thursday at 6pm BST

female:pressure #133 - Lena Mega and LoA

Lena Mega and LoA are musical collaborators who explore a wide range of sounds and styles, from fast-paced rhythms to humorous and sensual tones, as well as otherworldly experiments and chopped beats.

Their shared research interests include topics such as plants, mushrooms, gardens, playing with mud, and ecological explorations, which often find their way into their music.

Based in and around Berlin, Lena Mega and LoA have created a unique sound that draws inspiration from their diverse interests and experiences. Their music can be found on Soundcloud, where they have multiple accounts featuring their individual and collaborative work.

Twice-monthly broadcast showcasing electronic music produced by members of the female:pressure international network of female, transgender and non-binary artists practising in the fields of electronic music and digital arts.

2am GMT


This is a three hour extract from the festival, featuring sound art, computer music, homemade instruments, DIY electronics, radio play, noise, data sonification, field recordings, radio art, sound studies, historical anchor points, niches, insider tips, and different generations of Cologne's electronic and sound art landscape.

Full details and line-up:

The FUNKT programme was developed under the project management of Georg Dietzler by Anke Eckardt, Claudia Robles-Angel, Dietmar Bonnen, Dirk Specht and Felix Knoblauch, in cooperation with Sarah Washington and Knut Aufermann.

Thanks to sponsors Musikfonds e. V. with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the special programme Neustart Kultur, Kunststiftung NRW (North Rhine-Westphalia Endowment for the Arts), the Cultural Office of the City of Cologne.

FUNKT was a festival of electronic music and sound art from Cologne, which took place on the 16th, 17th and 18th of April 2021.

5am GMT New!

Midnight Echoes #1

In this episode we cast a spotlight on the Amsterdam-based label Artificial Dance, remember the work of minimalist composer Phill Niblock and journalist Neil Kulkarni, and report on Mary Ocher's latest UK tour. Plus new music from Loula Yorke, Dez Dare and Li Yilei.

Music journalist Ilia Rogatchevski presents a weekly selection of expansive sounds and adventurous music from the world of and beyond.

6am GMT Twice Monthly on the Second and Fourth Thursday New!

Athens Inner City Broadcast #31 - Visions

Explorations of the inner city sounds of Athens and surrounding areas through lucid soundscapes and site-specific transmissions.

7am GMT

Earth Tones #11

Glasgow-based Bobby Jewell presents a series of ambient mixes for Resonance Extra with guest features by musicians and artists.

8am GMT Monthly / First Tuesday / 8pm

Discrepancies #91

In this episode, a mix of Japanese music inspired by a recent trip to Japan, featuring old favourites, new bits, as well as some releases on the label from recent years such as dj sniff and Sugai Ken.

Discrepancies is a global showcase of disparate music with a focus on earthly field recordings and international sounds, curated by the Discrepant record label, presented by Gonçalo F Cardoso.

9am GMT Monthly on the first Tuesday at 7PM New!

Late Works: By Ear #40 - Alphabetical Processions Special

This episode features gibberish and experimental mouth sounds by Robert Wyatt, Jennifer Walshe, Ed Atkins, Elaine Mitchener, Diamanda Galas & Circuit des Yeux.

The radio counterpart to live intermedia event series Late Works, hosted by founder Joseph Bradley Hill. Each month a selection of artists respond to the show on postcards and send them in as inspiration for the next. Running through the shows are a modular stem experiment in which musicians improvise live to original 15 minute compositions.

10am GMT Monthly on the fourth Wednesday at 7.30pm

Littoral Transmissions #44 - Flutter Echo

This episode channels the airwaves with special guest Martin Clarke on saxophone and manipulated field recordings. Remote sounds flickering like moths across the water.

Littoral Transmissions meander through the sonic landscape of the River Lea from Stonebridge Lock to Leamouth. Recordings from the field converge with layers of sound to create an aural impression of the navigation.

10:30am GMT

The Wire: Adventures In Music and Sound # Amy Cutler Guest Mix

In this episode, Shane Woolman hosts a guest mix by artist, musician and cultural geographer Amy Cutler as well as playing new releases from Buzz’ Ayaz, disrupt, Muqata'a, Nadah El Shazly, NAH, Pruillip, Youmna Saba, and many more.

New music with The Wire Magazine.

Midday GMT Monthly

Dronica #52 - Dronica meets Dan Allison, Sam Hailey-Watts and Holst

In this episode, Dronica meets Dan Allison, Sam Hailey-Watts and Holst, curators at Whitechapel Gallery Presents, in London.

Sam Hailey-Watts ///
Sam Hailey-watts is the founder of Calling Cards Publishing, a non for profit organisation that channels a specific focus of the intersection between visual and sonic arts, as well as the co-founder of new experimental and electronic label The Florist’s Mum.

Holst ///
Holst is the alias of DJ and producer Sam Williams. As well as co-curating Whitechapel Gallery Presents, he is one of the founders of London based record label B REC and plays in and produces a number of projects including Black Pixels, Kareni and GOMM as well as his own solo material. Interested in warping electronic music outside of genre confines, he regularly explores analogue tape degradation and sub frequencies.

Dan Allison ///
Performer, recording artist and curator, Dan Allison is half of BAG, a sound and spoken word project with partner Jody DeSchutter. He has recorded and released a self-titled album as GOMM recently. Dan has co-curated exhibitions as part of the Deptford X festival and also co-curates Whitechapel Gallery Presents as well as other performance and sound based events.

They present a selection of experimental electronic music.

Nicola Serra, founder of East London's experimental music festival Dronica, presents new and archival material.

2pm GMT

Foldable Soundbath #2

In sonic waters once again, this episode begins with the archives of electronic music pioneer Delia Derbyshire, and joyously ends on her infectious narration of manipulating - folding? - sounds. Interlaced with whispering lullaby vocals and crackling whirrs, before hazy mornings in the garden and a celebration of rain on our skin, this mix is one to lie down to, lights low, and let it cleanse.

Featuring wondrous Maya-Leigh Rosenwasser, London based performer and composer, we explore Queerness in music and electro-acoustic improvisation. Let this evening's rhythms wash over you.

The Foldable Sounds Collective presents Foldable Soundbath. The collective formed during the April 2020 lockdown and is composed of three artists: Daniela Maria Geraci, Lucy Rose Cunningham and Isabelle Pead. Individually dealing with sound as an archival, performative and narrational tool, collectively they interrogate sound’s potential to sonically transport the imagination outside one’s four walls, drawing on a global need for freedom of movement.

3pm GMT Monthly

Radio Picnic #78 - Data Sonification with Daniel Maszkowicz

What is the difference between data driven music and data sonification? When sound esthetics meet science and technology.

This report presents several sound pieces that were composed with the use of data by scientist-artist Daniel Maszkowicz. The pieces are presented with evocations of scientific and esthetic considerations, collected from several sources and materials, with references to other works by himself, or his inspirations

Radio Picnic is a mobile radio art project by zonoff which invites multi-disciplinary artists to create works inspired by the radio medium.

4pm GMT

Radia #981 - Jukebox Utopia's Snapshot by Bianca Ludewig

This programme is a contribution by RADIA-Kollektiv-Vienna and features the anthropologist Bianca Ludewig who researches music and sound and plays with records as Jukebox Utopia. She will introduce her radio piece Jukebox Utopia's Snapshot which was part of the 2023 project Contingent Snapshot.

The piece is a sound collage she produced as a contribution for the Contingent Snapshot project by Eugenia Seriakov and Francesco Zedde, which took place in Linz in September 2023 as part of STWST48hours open Radiolab and was broadcasted on various international radio stations.

The core of the 12-hour programme consisted of contributions by the two curators exploring the facets and sounds of Linz, live improvisations by local and international musicians and sound contributions from their open call. For her audio snapshot, she associatively edited together found footage, sound pieces from her music archive and field recordings to create an audio essay for your enjoyment.

Members of Radia, the international group of independent cultural radio stations, explore new and forgotten ways of making radio.

4:30pm GMT New!

Asphyxia: The "Idiote", the Library Wifi and the Suppressed Safe #22 - Compromise

Beset by all manner of mission creep, this wilderness media study concludes with readings from anonymous diaries, found in a previous episode, and a smattering of unknown lost media against an unwelcome backdrop of unsettling noise from nextdoor neighbours carrying out illegal, unlicensed, unregulated structural alterations.

Asphyxia was originally broadcast as a 22-hour single transmission by Radio Art Zone, and, as can be expected, this final hour is an implosion under the gravity.

Originally commissioned in 2022 as part of Radio Art Zone's tapestry of 22-hour radio productions, this project by Daniel R. Wilson is re-presented here in episodic form. Asphyxia hacks the antagonising systems which thwart and forestall projects (its name also acknowledges the asphyxiating atmosphere of long-form radio when made by a single person). It is a damaged would-be radio documentary exploring the Narnia of restricted access material and gatekept employment.

5:30pm GMT Monthly on the Third Wednesday at 6.30pm New!

Short Manual #1 - Doggone (Dream Sequence)

Short Manual is a sound collage program & conceptual mix show with some original production included.

6pm GMT

The Rottenslushy Show #48

60 minutes of vivid aural excitement mixed by Ian Murphy.

7pm GMT New!

Estuary Magic #15 - ONEIRIC

Sleep walking into looping records with visitations from Kali Malone, Terry Riley, Delia Darbyshire, Meredith Monk amongst others.

Communiques from Thanet Tape Centre, Hard drive sludge. audio tidal pools. Music sediment. Friends utterances, sea walls of noise, salt marsh drone.

8pm GMT

Epeisodion #5 - Talk To Me Like I Am Your Bro

Moods and preoccupations in a nonlinear narrative in and out of the club with COSI and The Source of Some Certainty - created by Corinna Triantafyllidis and Henry Rodrick.

9pm GMT

Super Takeover # Dim Light

This hour is mixed by Dim Light.

Super Takeover was a 24-hour takeover on Resonance Extra organised by Superfluid.

9:59pm GMT Monthly on the Second Saturday at 5pm New!

ATATA #9 - AMBA firstlove

Experimentation and collaboration with Esmé and Avel of ATATA, a vessel for live and recorded music.

11pm GMT Monthly on the Fourth Tuesday at 8pm

Conditional #11 - Guest Mix w/ Daniel M Karlsson

This episodes features a guest mix by Daniel M Karlsson, a Stockholm-based musician working extensively with algorithmic composition. His debut album is released on Conditional in 2017.

Tracks from across the spectrum of electronic and computer music, with Calum Gunn of Conditional.

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