Athens Inner City Broadcast #31 - Visions

with Georgios Karamanolakis
Saturday 10th February 2024 06:00 - 07:00 GMT

Explorations of the inner city sounds of Athens and surrounding areas through lucid soundscapes and site-specific transmissions.


Papi The Dog TV.(Salahabourr) - Things that make you my dog.
Irini Karayanopoulou - My Room.
Venus Volcanism + In Atlas - Reconstruction.
Selofan - Muzik.
Soannefair - Σilver ShoreΣ.
Giganta - Forever.
Vesta - Wet Form.
Dimitra Lazardiou Chatzigoga + Birgit Ulher - Live in London (extract).
Marcel Dune - Live in Athens (extract).
Love Beverly - Underground (unreleased demo take).
Afroditi Psarra + Bonnie Whitting + Cameron Perry Fraser - Null 3 (live improv in Seatle)
Corina Triantafyllidis + Henry Rodrik - Source of some Certainty program (part of E27)
Danae Stefanou - We are the pronouns that you leave.

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