Foldable Soundbath #2

Saturday 10th February 2024 14:00 - 15:00 GMT

The Foldable Sounds Collective presents Foldable Soundbath. The collective formed during the April 2020 lockdown and is composed of three artists: Daniela Maria Geraci, Lucy Rose Cunningham and Isabelle Pead. Individually dealing with sound as an archival, performative and narrational tool, collectively they interrogate sound’s potential to sonically transport the imagination outside one’s four walls, drawing on a global need for freedom of movement.

In sonic waters once again, this episode begins with the archives of electronic music pioneer Delia Derbyshire, and joyously ends on her infectious narration of manipulating - folding? - sounds. Interlaced with whispering lullaby vocals and crackling whirrs, before hazy mornings in the garden and a celebration of rain on our skin, this mix is one to lie down to, lights low, and let it cleanse.

Featuring wondrous Maya-Leigh Rosenwasser, London based performer and composer, we explore Queerness in music and electro-acoustic improvisation. Let this evening's rhythms wash over you.


Delia Derbyshire – Frontier to Knowledge
Shaun Robert – Meta-paramour
Andrew Pekler – Approximate Bermeja
Jez Riley French – Bath Oil Salt Glass
Patrick Belaga – Sigh
Wilson Tanner – Sun Room
Hiroshi Yoshimura – Time After Time


Maya Leigh Rosenwasser Interview


Martha Skye Murphy – Dung Beetle
Jenny Ames – Meditation
Lukas Fütterer – STRWÜÜ, Shùn Shǒu Qiān Yáng³⁵⁶ Mixtape
Jenny Ames – Organ
Equis – Marches On, Memory
Beautify Junkyards – The Fountain
Tendency – Jan Jelinek
Yu Su ft. Michelle Helene Mackenzie – Little Birds-Moonbath
Dominique Guiot – Alerte Eu Mer
YĪN YĪN – Kroy Wen
Merope – Leliumoj
Marc Barreca – City of Red Sand
Green House – Chysis
Delia Derbyshire interview with BBC Radio Scotland (1997)

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