Wednesday 20th December 2023

Midnight GMT

Worthwhile Unions #1

Episode 1 was recorded with haptictape labs_2046 and focuses on the twilit, grinning spectre of 1990s Memphis Rap.

Through found footage, field recording and tape rips, this episode traces the scene through its local-distribution cassette origins, later commercial success, and internet renaissance as it shape-shifts seamlessly between horror-film nightmare, biographical realism and sonic fantasy.

Worthwhile Unions is a radio series by Anna Clegg with a focus on meeting points. Often collaborative and pulling heavily from online sources, the series works to extract a kind of cinema of feeling, contradicting and evasive, from dense combinations of music, sound and samples.

1am GMT Weekly, Monday, 6pm

Unexplained Sounds #332

This episode features new music by Hans Castrup + Philippe Neau, Irving Paul Pereira, The Decaf Conspiracy, Cadlag, Y. Holopoulos, I. Valsamara, X Communion, Oubys, Lazar Darkovski, The Tara Experiment, Cult Of Light, Harrison and Dunkley and The Washing Planck.

A selection of new experimental music and sound work from the international underground network Unexplained Sounds, curated by Raffaele Pezzella (Sonologyst).

2am GMT Monthly

Tse Tse Fly Middle East # October 2018

Tse Tse Fly Middle East was a nonprofit arts and activist organisation that existed from 2015 until 2023. Throughout that time, it presented a monthly two-hour radio programme showcasing sound art and experimental music from the Middle East, India and North Africa.

4am GMT Twice-Monthly, First and Third Thursday at 6pm BST

female:pressure #129 - Hypnotist

For a while now, DJ BONEY S and zikade have been playing with the idea of merging their respective sounds. It wouldn’t be the first time these two share the decks, though: under the name of DJ Frottée, they recently started a vinyl only project dedicated to classic 90s underground from techno to trance.

Finding the spaces where their individual sets collide, their new vinyl only back2back project Hypnotist will be a journey from techno, EBM and industrial to dark italo and disco-heavy electro. Sharing a deep understanding of the other one‘s musical taste and a similar vision for the dance floor, Hypnotist are excited to create something fresh.

Twice-monthly broadcast showcasing electronic music produced by members of the female:pressure international network of female, transgender and non-binary artists practising in the fields of electronic music and digital arts.

5am GMT New!

Colliding Lines #23 - Retrospective

In this episode, we revisit the best of 2021 and beyond, showcasing work produced by out collective and associates. The show features work originally aired this year by art lab IKLECTIK's show VOIXXE, and by recorded audio festival Helicotrema.

Colliding Lines present live sessions, cross-genre collaborations and left-field recordings drawn from the London, UK and international experimental scenes; a long-form love letter to recorded audio as soundtrack, as sound art and as storyteller.

7am GMT Monthly on the Fourth Tuesday at 10pm

Sonic Tapestries #63

Mat Eric Hart presents a sedated sojourn through worldly and mystical sounds.

9am GMT Twice Monthly on the Second and Fourth Thursday New!

Athens Inner City Broadcast #16 - Behind The Airwaves

This episode features recordings from the Athenian air waves. What lies between and under broadcasts and what is hidden during' is deconstructed in an attempt to expose the space behind structured radio transmissions. An attempt to re-introduce the ''space'' of the radio back into the radio. Come with us and take a small glimpse of what it is like to listen to a ''missing'' program.

The mix has been edited in real time using 4x radios, all different models and all with their own sound character and different feedback and mechanical possibilities.

This experiment aims to broadcast the absence of a broadcast.

Explorations of the inner city sounds of Athens and surrounding areas through lucid soundscapes and site-specific transmissions.

10am GMT Monthly | First Sunday | 6pm

ATTN:Magazine #23 - Completion

In this episode host Jack Chuter presents a selection of new exploratory music, accompanied by the artists talking about how they knew their track was completed.

Thematic mixes and reflections, captured along the Dorset coastline by ATTN:Magazine's Jack Chuter.

Midday GMT Monthly

Dronica #76 - Dronica Meets Lou Barnell

In this episode, Dronica meets Lou Barnell.

Lou is an award-winning vocalist, sound and performance artist. She is one of Sound and Music's New Voices 2022 Composers, and Manchester Jazz Festival Hothouse Residents 2023. She was winner of the 2021 Oram Awards, supported by The PRS Foundation and BBC Radiophonic Institute in recognition of innovation in sound and technology.

Lou’s work gives language to her alienating and disorientating experiences of being a neurodivergent woman. It communicates her synaesthetic experience of sound, hyperfocus and sensory overload.

This show is dedicated to Lou's Practice and the focus of her practice led PhD called Live Dreaming. This concept reconsiders her body as a mirror, reflecting and refracting parallel states of dreaming and performance. She emulates this duality in her work by creating scores and live performances with sculpted, shapeshifting, re-useable materials such as ice and thermoplastic. She uses wearable sensors and biorhythmic data to play and score music.

"As a woman growing up with a learning difficulty, the way I experience the world does not align with the way the world experiences me. To make sense of unfathomable surroundings, I use my voice as a material. My voice can be a compass, or a totem, it can be sculpted, broken and reformed.

It is the core of all of my music and production. I use wearable instruments and sculptures to contain, shape and release my body and voice. My aim is to become more than myself, to possess ways of communicating and receiving sound that are true to how I experience my surroundings."

Nicola Serra, founder of East London's experimental music festival Dronica, presents new and archival material.

2pm GMT

Radia #976 - Armen by Andrius Arutiunian

This contribution comes from Radio Papesse.

Armen is a sound work and collection related to diasporic music which Andrius Arutiunian has been developing since 2016. It traces obscure Armenian disco releases from the 80s, remakes little-known pop songs from different parts of the Armenian diaspora, and navigates this treacherous sonic field in polyphonous, and sometimes contradictory ways. Armen is also a homage to one of the most common Armenian names.

In 2017 an iteration of Armen was published as a vinyl release. As writer Monika Kalinauskaitė wrote in her text for this publication: “But right now, at this moment, on a rug, in a car, by the monotonous music machine, the only circles you draw are your first ones, spinning the body and thought, breaking the world’s axis into millions of dancing small figures. You may as well hear of those rivers – it’s a miracle, but they reach everywhere, populating the world with gold-headed fish. Only blood and bodies alter their flows, oh look, we are now trapped in an island that was not here before, I believe we are also humming songs we never knew, but somehow remember.”

Andrius Arutiunian is a sound artist and composer based in the Netherlands. He works through sound and hybrid forms of media, with a particular interest in sonic artefacts, aural identities, and digital, automated technologies.

Sonic dissent, alternate modes of political and musical organisation, and playful investigation of esoteric and vernacular histories form Arutiunian’s most recent works. Using hypnotic and enigmatic forms, Arutiunian’s works often question the notion of musical and political attunement.

In 2022 Andrius Arutiunian represented Armenia at the 59th Venice Art Biennale with a solo show entitled Gharīb. Other recent solo shows include Counterfates (Meduza Vilnius, 2023) Diaphonics (Centrala Birmingham, 2023), and Incantations (CTM and Silent Green, Berlin, 2021).

Members of Radia, the international group of independent cultural radio stations, explore new and forgotten ways of making radio.

2:30pm GMT Monthly on the fourth Wednesday at 7.30pm

Littoral Transmissions #10 - Bow Creek

This episode is an improvisational convergence in a space hollowed out from beneath the arterial flow of urban transit, held between the lea's thumb and forefinger, on the verge of estuarine ecology.

Featuring Shona Handley on turntables, objects and recordings.

Littoral Transmissions meander through the sonic landscape of the River Lea from Stonebridge Lock to Leamouth. Recordings from the field converge with layers of sound to create an aural impression of the navigation.

3pm GMT New!

Socialist Realness #8

Socialist Realness a mix series by GAJEK focusing on avant-garde and electronic music produced in the GDR and shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

4pm GMT New!

Estuary Magic #1 - Orientation

Tracks played or sampled, all other music by Benedict Drew.

Communiques from Thanet Tape Centre, Hard drive sludge. audio tidal pools. Music sediment. Friends utterances, sea walls of noise, salt marsh drone.

5pm GMT Monthly on the Fourth Tuesday at 8pm

Conditional #43

Tracks from across the spectrum of electronic and computer music, with Calum Gunn of Conditional.

7pm GMT Weekly on Wednesday at 7pm

Naviar Broadcast #298 - Dark Clouds Menacing

This episode features music made by Naviar’s community inspired by Raymond Cobley’s poem “dark clouds menacing – / I doubt we shall reach shelter / before the deluge”.

To have your music featured on the show, participate in the Haiku music challenge.

Thirty minutes of experimental music made in response to a weekly haiku poem, curated by Marco Alessi of Naviar Records and Naviar's international community of composers.

7:30pm GMT Special Broadcast New!

Hyperdelia # WOMB

In this episode, a special broadcast of WOMB, by Kajsa Lindgren, an underwater concert of aquasonic poetry heard as a reminiscence to voices from childhoods once lived, of distant musics and imagined sonic ecologies.

The initial composition material of field-recordings of nature and body sounds, interviews and compositions has been re-recorded and re-amped underwater for broadcast on Resonance Extra, ahead of its imminent release via Berlin's Hyperdelia label on June 15th 2018. Recorded live at Stockholm bath-house Storkyrkobadet, supported by Kulturbryggan, Sweden.

A Hyperdelia label showcase.

8pm GMT New!

First Light's Third Space #18 - Marara & Hyperdawn

In the first half of this show, Melbourne-based producer Marara captures an impression of her city in her distinctive style of sonic collage; fragments of conversation, found sound, and a curated selection of music from the area come together to form a considered and tender portrait of life in Victoria's capital.

Hyperdawn take the reins for the second hour, with a mix of field recordings, music, and exclusive material that honours the full range of Manchester's vibrant character; flitting between the city's outer marshlands and its bustling centre, intimate home recordings and bass-driven productions.

Each month, First Light Records invites two artists to take an unplanned journey with a microphone around their city to curate an hour-long mix. Each show captures the unique atmosphere of a city from each artist's perspective, through music and found sound.

10pm GMT Weekly

Maximum Rocknroll Radio #1887

In this episode, Brandi brings you some jams to close out the year.

Maximum Rocknroll Radio is a weekly radio show and podcast featuring DIY punk, garage rock, hardcore, and more from around the world. A rotating cast of DJs pick the best of the best from MRR's astounding, ever-growing vinyl archive. You can find MRR Radio archives, specials and more on their website.

11pm GMT

The Wire: Adventures In Music and Sound # 14th December 2023

In this episode, Meg Woof plays Clarissa Connelly, Keanu Nelson, bonebrokk, Martyna Basta and more.

New music with The Wire Magazine.

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