Tse Tse Fly Middle East # October 2018

with Simon Coates
Wednesday 20th December 2023 02:00 - 04:00 GMT

Tse Tse Fly Middle East was a nonprofit arts and activist organisation that existed from 2015 until 2023. Throughout that time, it presented a monthly two-hour radio programme showcasing sound art and experimental music from the Middle East, India and North Africa.


Nadah El Shazly - Afqid Adh-Dhakira (I Lose Memory) - Egypt (2017)
Pouya Pour-Amin - Untitled - Iran (2018)
Mehreen Murtaza - Bargad Plays a Tune As Sahar Walks On Its Roots - Pakistan (2018)
Abdel El Aziz Al Mubarak - Ma Kunta Aarif Yarait (I Wish I Had Known) - Sudan (1989)
Al Rajul Al Hadidi - River Song - Lebanon (2018)
Umlilo - DL Boi - South Africa (2018)
6LA8 - Dancing Regressively Into The Next Civil Regime - Pakistan (2018)
Ana w Dada - 02 2atr - Egypt (2017)
Eyeless In Damascus - A World Without Cars - Jordan (2015)
NAWKSH - Untitled - Pakistan (2018)
Asmaa Farag Azouz - Sleep Journey - Egypt (2013)
Sufyvn - Dust - Sudan (2017)
Abida Parveen - Yar Ko Hum Ne - Pakistan (2016)
Ayman Asfour - Collection Preparations - Egypt (2017)
Basel Nazmi - Alien In A Winter Night - Egypt (2016)
Deena Abdelwahed - Arroubi - Tunisia (2018)
Elp Kwantek - Family (Matters) - Pakistan (2015)
D'Fact - Lokalize It Ocean View - South Africa (2018)
Khan El Rouh - Ammar's Case - Syria (2017)
Kinematik - Aawaynat Nazar - Lebanon (2017)
Ghoula - Sa3diya - Tunisia (2015)

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