Friday 1st December 2023

12:30am GMT Weekly on Wednesday at 7pm

Naviar Broadcast #295 - Last Bloom Before Autumn

This episode features music made by Naviar’s community inspired by John Wright’s poem “Last bloom before autumn / Stares back at me with a smile / My younger brother”.

To have your music featured on the show, participate in the Haiku music challenge.

Thirty minutes of experimental music made in response to a weekly haiku poem, curated by Marco Alessi of Naviar Records and Naviar's international community of composers.

1am GMT Monthly

Tse Tse Fly Middle East # February 2022

Tse Tse Fly Middle East was a nonprofit arts and activist organisation that existed from 2015 until 2023. Throughout that time, it presented a monthly two-hour radio programme showcasing sound art and experimental music from the Middle East, India and North Africa.

3am GMT New!

Jose Macabra Presents #1 - Jon Weinel

In this episode, he presents a live mix of Jon Weinel, including sections of interview.

Jose Macabra presents solo work and other collaborations.

5:14am GMT Weekly, Sunday, 10am New!

South American PhoNographic Mornings #14 - Francisco López "Yanayacu (excerpt)"

Stéphane Marin presents a weekly series of fifteen short soundscapes recorded in the mornings at various locations throughout South America. Entitled « South American PhoNographic Mornings » this series for Resonance Extra forms part of a wider project, « Each Morning of the World », which invites sound artists, composers and recordists globally to share their own specific point of listening, either through a raw field recording or original composition.

5:30am GMT New!

Colliding Lines #4 - (dis)Embodied

In this episode, non-physical spaces, dreams as performance, and the body as instrument, object and obstacle. Featuring new music and interviews from Lou Barnell, sound & poetry collective Catching Shadows, and art-pop band MAW. Writer Abi Palmer reads from her recent book 'Sanatorium', released through Penned in the Margins. Wes Freeman-Smith and Martin Clarke host.

Colliding Lines present live sessions, cross-genre collaborations and left-field recordings drawn from the London, UK and international experimental scenes; a long-form love letter to recorded audio as soundtrack, as sound art and as storyteller.

7:30am GMT Monthly / First Tuesday / 8pm

Discrepancies #14 - People Like Us & Yannick Dauby Special

This episode is dedicated to People Like Us & Yannick Dauby.

Discrepancies is a global showcase of disparate music with a focus on earthly field recordings and international sounds, curated by the Discrepant record label, presented by Gonçalo F Cardoso.

9:30am GMT New!

Sound of Now #3 - Soft Soporifics

Going softly soporific ...

An Infinite Number of Monkeys

  • audio / visual decomposer Lepke B posits the question - "How will we live in the 21st Century?"

10am GMT Weekly

Maximum Rocknroll Radio #1885

In this episode, Rob rips through some new releases, flies over Boston, hits it hard with some crusty hardcore and gives a shoutout to the upcoming Lie Detector Fest.

Maximum Rocknroll Radio is a weekly radio show and podcast featuring DIY punk, garage rock, hardcore, and more from around the world. A rotating cast of DJs pick the best of the best from MRR's astounding, ever-growing vinyl archive. You can find MRR Radio archives, specials and more on their website.

11am GMT New!

Estuary Magic #6

Communiques from Thanet Tape Centre, Hard drive sludge. audio tidal pools. Music sediment. Friends utterances, sea walls of noise, salt marsh drone.

Midday GMT Monthly

Dronica #53 - Dronica meets Giuseppe Capriglione and Vince Gagiardi

In this episode, Dronica meets Giuseppe Capriglione and Vince Gagliardi, founders and curators at Modern Bon, in Berlin.

Dronica meets event curators, creative directors and labels owners in 2021.

Giuseppe Capriglione (a.k.a. Skrei) is a music producer. His live set is made up with loop-tape, guitar and synthesizer. Processing and working with multi-tracks tape recorders, he creates an alchemic mixture of Noise/Drone sounds. He is co-founder of “Modern Bön” and founder of the label and promotion agency “Metzger Therapie”. His latest album has been recently released on “Dio Drone”.

Vince Gagliardi (a.k.a. Vū) is a 3D artist and music producer. Vū is a dark electronic and ritualistic music project filled with different percussions and vocal mantras. He is the founder of the label “Vumantra Records”, co-founder and artistic director of the collective “Modern Bön” and creator of the audiovisual project “The Nent” (Cyclic Law), well-known for its impactful A∖V live performances.

In this podcast for Dronica radio show on Resonance Extra, they present a selection of Modern Bon favorite experimental electronic music.

Nicola Serra, founder of East London's experimental music festival Dronica, presents new and archival material.

2pm GMT

Earth Tones #9

Glasgow-based Bobby Jewell presents a series of ambient mixes for Resonance Extra with guest features by musicians and artists.

3pm GMT New!

walkplacedistancetime #9 - Kittiwake Triptych No. 2: Cullernose

Welcome to walkplacedistancetime.

Walking, movement in place, in air, distance through time.

Today’s episode is Kittiwake Triptych No. 1: Cullernose.

This is the second of a triptych of recordings of my walking to “the same place” – a Kittiwake colony – twenty minutes sitting at the place and my walking away back to my starting point. The three “same places” are one in rural Newfoundland and two in rural Northumberland. At each site, on another day, or at a different time of the same day, each recording would have been different.

embodiment -:- walking human movement -:- place more-less natural -:- distance time over across -:- field recording -:- poetry -:- composition -:- martin p eccles

4pm GMT

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit #77

Sound collage, record spinning, havering, ear wonk and general head scratch with Dylan Nyoukis of the Chocolate Monk label.

6:01pm GMT New!

Injazero #20

Injazero Records founder Siné Buyuka plays a selection of electronic, experimental, ambient and contemporary classical tracks.

7pm GMT Monthly, Fourth Sunday, 7pm New!

The Postcode Lottery #4 - SE / South East London

Edited Arts Postcode Lottery continues in SE. South East London.

Edited Arts present a series investigating UK music scenes divided by postcode area with a view to drawing attention to the often overlooked areas of the UK's artistic heritage of music, sound and speech.

8pm GMT Twice Monthly on the Second and Fourth Monday at 10pm New!

Resistance Through Ritual #91

Ambient, folk, ritual, electronic, dub, free jazz and exploratory works selected by BroodingSideOfMadness.

10:01pm GMT Monthly on the Fourth Tuesday at 8pm

Conditional #56

Tracks from across the spectrum of electronic and computer music, with Calum Gunn of Conditional.

Midnight GMT Monthly

Gravity Waves and The Spirit World # Yeongrak & DJ Cheesemaster

yeah the hider

yongrak activeates that dark breath in my ‘chest wall’
oozing (weezing) out like speaking the leaking spout

the gammar is taken off
gamma takeoff
the darkness of game

decomposition and clay retrieval

smuggling clairty in rotoscopic lava


”-itis’ (disease idea)

so heavy you cuold never lift it and then it rushes your blending (flenders II) (HURLY IFLENDS)

did i give you rotten mound permissions

Bask in this knowledge bath
Basking like shark
“bath” (graey water)

talk about ‘beaks’ ‘mouth’ ‘melt’ ‘weak’

head carve
and each slice reveals hendred four new old worlds

Martin relegation hile filve

VORE spacial Em rotery

every word is subject to change, every word is subject to chance, every word is under the scent, every word is under the weight of it and under the bed, under the hill running under us like deep savage sewer
every word is in “quotations” every word is in vocalic choke hold, vocalic colic, vocalised rize and local rice

“nerve gaga”
harry ‘Plotts’
Yerng Woosh

It sounds like waste with an attention to science
It sounds like haste with slowness alliance
It sounds like taste of ceffalize nevermine

garstly expediency
running through lanes hooting
moola lanes

There is a sense of biology a nervous biologeme a biology of language
might sound silly might sound defunct but I’m rolling around
I’m rolling around in the callous victim of cartoon idea
the fallus whip
little metal script
high tide my life scrolls past
tiddle war happy leggo tiddle war
flipping to them

the body of the name and the name of the body
and so much can happyen in twenny secons
fortey naine seconds hellish remainder plain stark fish flinger

tcker tape acknowlegesys the remidner that truth remains in the length
up and down, left and right, through and through
long through my team of loose screw tighten and rubbish them the men the you
I’m led by a string of socking sound that extends beyond my many men like 50 cent
Hundred bags forteen bags the ninestyle rags the hyper ‘sags’
the usage of quotation the talking the station I’m generation I’m generating elocquation

and is junking through the pile even really necessary
thats i what find mytself asking to myself
hard back dust sack must

all emerging from the darkness
nothing in the light
the dark is the hot light
this is language disbanded from the mouth mouth
language got hunted down lang dspreay

and now i want to tell everyone “shitu p” if they tell me the AI, the after space the last city in the world and The alien is getting me, i tant to tell them ‘lose you’ if you tell tme this is technology at the end, this is the game, this is ‘Japan’ i tell tehm ‘goodbye’ take the piss mate. this is not the thought from that place this is more than you could ever imagine. its within the crux and the plex, hunting from the beginning and never finding. Indle spiralling into the thicket stash. Hilling the running the lung got caught on the brush.

Commissioned new work from contemporary sound practitioners and other audio choices from experimental electronic collective The Spirit of Gravity.

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