Discrepancies #14 - People Like Us & Yannick Dauby Special

with Gonçalo F Cardoso
Friday 1st December 2023 07:30 - 09:30 GMT

Discrepancies is a global showcase of disparate music with a focus on earthly field recordings and international sounds, curated by the Discrepant record label, presented by Gonçalo F Cardoso.

This episode is dedicated to People Like Us & Yannick Dauby.


People Like Us - Nothing
People Like Us - Do or DIY

Ergo Phizmiz - Quartet One
Meridian Brothers - El Cantinero Experimental

People Like Us - Chicken Legs

Porest - Diplomat Smile

People Like Us - Wonderfull Wonderfull
Molnbär av John - Viaggo
People Like Us - Nobody Does
People Like Us - What Will I Do
The Dead Mauriacs - Mambo des météores / Mambo Schwamana
Alvarius B - You Only Live Twice
People Like Us - Swinglargo
People Like Us - Sing
Yannick Dauby - A side excerpt
Yannick Dauby - The Growth of Artefacts
Andrew Pekler - Theme From Tristes Tropiques

Yannick Dauby -Side A excerpt (蛙界蒙薰 - wa jiè méng xun)
Yannick Dauby -Side A excerpt
Michael Prime - Year of the Cock
Kakak 3 Dongbra - Track 6
Giuseppe Ielasi - 4’18’’
Yannick Dauby - Tadpole Point
Yas-Kaz - Jungle Book

Dolphins into the Future/Lieven Martens Moana - Sweeten The Mango
Yannick Dauby - B side excerpt

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