Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit

with Dylan Nyoukis

Sound collage, record spinning, havering, ear wonk and general head scratch with Dylan Nyoukis of the Chocolate Monk label.

Previous episodes

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit

Monday 11th June 2018 20:00 - 22:00 BST

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit

Monday 11th December 2017 20:00 - 22:00 GMT

This month: Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit Collage 21 - A Greasy Palm Sings. With thanks to Elkka, Dexter, Karen, the wee drummer laddies fae Blackburn, the drunk Polish couple and anyone else unfortunate enough to be caught on tape.

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit

Wednesday 26th April 2017 20:00 - 22:00 BST

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit

Thursday 16th March 2017 20:00 - 22:00 GMT

We survived January.. went missing in action in February, but here is to continual grazing and not letting the clowns bring you down in March and beyond...In this opening sound dollop we hear two extracts from Blood Stereo's “Craw vol.1” and “Craw vol.2” played side by side. John Godbert remembers a trip that conjured up Barbara Windsor: thanks to Ralf Wehowsky for additional electronics, which continue on into the next segment where Ralfs bleeps are joined by some tape mulch I did in Stockholm some years ago. Then some organ and loop gloop before we hear from Ezio Piermattei's Nonna (again with some additional electronic whizz from Wehowsky). Followed by “Dirty owl teat' by myself, Stefan Jaworzyn & S.Glass, then Mayuko Fujino reads... Applause from 'Craw vol.1'. Sticky Foster sends out a brief audio postcard from his new home in Chennai. Some advice from the Nyoukis clan “Take Care Do Not Run On The Stairs.”

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit

Thursday 19th January 2017 20:00 - 22:00 GMT

A post 2016 brain freeze clear out... features guests: Iain Paxons Winter Solstice Singers, Clappy Shandy Dads, Stewart Greenwood, Joe Posset, Aaron Moore, Andrew Zukerman & Sami Pekkola.

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit

Saturday 24th December 2016 10:00 - 12:00 GMT

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit

Thursday 15th December 2016 20:00 - 22:00 GMT

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit - Lo-Fried Tape Tempeh (8/16)

Thursday 18th August 2016 20:00 - 22:00 BST

This episode features contributions from Karen Constance, Elkka Nyoukis, Sionnach Langan snd Seymour Glass mixed into a big dollop of tape mulch from the “archive”.

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit - In One Brain & Out The Other

Thursday 21st July 2016 20:00 - 22:00 BST

Features contributions from Norman Shaw (words), Aaron Moore (sounds from inside a Lisbon Church), Stewart Greenwood (guffaw to dictaphone), a segemnt of live tape wonk from a solo set at Cafe Oto, Joe Murray; Dulcie, Andy Bolus (words walking home), Dunca Harrison (various sounds from a duo tape we done did), robert Ridley-Shackleton (the cardboard Prince from Vienna) and Lost Contact; the B-side to my 7” Babble For Bisciglia.

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit - The Curious March Of The Goat Faced

Thursday 16th June 2016 20:00 - 22:00 BST

This episode, FMBTUB Collage 6: The Curious March Of The Goat Faced, is a collage inspired by travels. Mostly recordings made in (and of) Bremen, Berlin, Moers, Gothenburg, Stockholm, Gerlesborg and Brighton, with a few small dips into the “archive”. Contributions from Dylan Nyoukis, Chris Corsano, The Conduits, Greg Kelley and more. For a full track-listing, visit: http://pastebin.com/bzzSY7Cr.

(Originally broadcast Thursday 8pm, repeats Saturday 2pm, Sunday 10pm)

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit

Tuesday 31st May 2016 20:00 - 22:00 BST

For full show notes for this fifth episode, visit: http://pastebin.com/NK7QeXuT.

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit

Thursday 14th April 2016 19:00 - 21:00 BST

Episode 4: FMBTUB Collage 4: Glumpf Blanket (4/16). This months word? Tabernacle(d). Includes: Blood Stereo, Elkka Nyoukis & Yoni Silver live at Cafe Oto; Adam Bohman; Tony Conrad; Skip James; Aaron Moore; Hitomi Arimoto, Marco Cazzella, Erkki Sinnemäki, Angela Sawyer and more.

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit - In Mud Be Mirth

Thursday 24th March 2016 19:00 - 21:00 GMT

Full track-listing information for this episode, In Mud Be Mirth, can be found here: pastebin.com/jZZKNtzc

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit

Thursday 25th February 2016 19:00 - 21:00 GMT

Full track-list information for Episode 2 can be found here: http://pastebin.com/qFnQMhhh

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