Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit - In One Brain & Out The Other

with Dylan Nyoukis
Thursday 21st July 2016 20:00 - 22:00 BST

Sound collage, record spinning, havering, ear wonk and general head scratch with Dylan Nyoukis of the Chocolate Monk label. Features contributions from Norman Shaw (words), Aaron Moore (sounds from inside a Lisbon Church), Stewart Greenwood (guffaw to dictaphone), a segemnt of live tape wonk from a solo set at Cafe Oto, Joe Murray; Dulcie, Andy Bolus (words walking home), Dunca Harrison (various sounds from a duo tape we done did), robert Ridley-Shackleton (the cardboard Prince from Vienna) and Lost Contact; the B-side to my 7” Babble For Bisciglia.


Stewart Greenwood in conversation with Karen Constance (piano & tape mulch in background by Henry Holmes)

DDAA – Reconstitution Maracayace

Dylan Speaks (my microphone died,, walkman style. rough)

Gregor Schnitzler – Untitled (from Conrad & Sohn)

Sam Shalabi – excerpt from Isis & Osiris;

Tear Fet – Clinker

John Cage – excerpt from Bird Cage

Matthew P Hopkins – excerpt from Traipse

Extended Organ – excerpt from Vibe

Dylan Speaks

Lonnie Johnson – Mr Johnson's Swing

Intersystems – excerpt from Free Psychedelic Poster Inside

Terry Riley – excerpt from Persian Surgery Dervishes

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