Saturday 13th April 2024

1am BST Twice-Monthly, First and Third Thursday at 6pm BST

female:pressure #137 - Meira Asher

Meira Asher’s work challenges accepted conventions of practice and genre, even within the supposed open-minded circles of the avant-garde. A composer, performer and human rights activist, she freely oscillates between, through and beyond the fields of sound art and radio art.

In the past 20 years her artistic practice has been focusing on in-depth and long- term projects, and she has been working assiduously, amassing many different projects in different veins. She is the producer of the independent Radioart show radioart106 since 2014 and a former lecturer at the University of Haifa's Art School (2012-22).

Her works were released on Crammed, Sub Rosa, Auditorium, Raash Records and Ultima Ratio labels, but mostly independent through her own platforms. Her recent works include TANSIKتنسيق for Radio Reina Sofia Madrid, a Hebrew version of Antonin Artaud’s radio essay Pour en finir avec le jugement de Dieu and Sonic Voyage of Resistance for Radio Art Zone.

Twice-monthly broadcast showcasing electronic music produced by members of the female:pressure international network of female, transgender and non-binary artists practising in the fields of electronic music and digital arts.

2am BST New!

Estuary Magic #6

Communiques from Thanet Tape Centre, Hard drive sludge. audio tidal pools. Music sediment. Friends utterances, sea walls of noise, salt marsh drone.

3am BST

Lentils #2

In this episode, music from Yehudit Ravitz, Pink Project, George Martin and more.

A show for all of those who'll prefer lentils over conflicts, disco over wars, Morricone over oppression. Breathing over freezing.

5am BST New!

Midnight Echoes #4

This mix imagines the sounds you might hear as you explore the backrooms of your mind when night bleeds into the morning. Sometimes the music is calm or playful, but mostly it is dark and foreboding, evoking anxious feelings that you struggle to shake as you wrestle with unpleasant and perplexing dreams.

Music journalist Ilia Rogatchevski presents a weekly selection of expansive sounds and adventurous music from the world of and beyond.

6am BST Monthly

Dronica #28

Music from BAG, Viv Corringham, Blanc Sceol, Slow Slow Loris, Deathly Pale Party, Sean Addicott and Aino Tytti.

Nicola Serra, founder of East London's experimental music festival Dronica, presents new and archival material.

8am BST Monthly / First Tuesday / 8pm

Discrepancies #51

Discrepancies is a global showcase of disparate music with a focus on earthly field recordings and international sounds, curated by the Discrepant record label, presented by Gonçalo F Cardoso.

9am BST

Mitamine Lab #44 - Fenomenal Woman

Taking in consideration these crazy — and capitalist— times we are experiencing, Mitamine Lab is back on Resonance Extra with a musical story inspired by the American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist Maya Angelou, revisiting and reclaiming our permanently evolving presence as fenomenal women, featuring some extracts of the last interview with political philosopher, author, and Holocaust survivor Hannah Arendt, who is considered to be one of the most influential political theorists of the 20th century. Plus some amazing promos sent to Mitamine Lab.

Artwork: Fumatorium at la Maestranza, 2018 by Julio Larraz.

Mitamine Lab is a culture laboratory based in Mexico City which blends sound archives with contemporary music and literature.

10am BST

Radio Concrete #53 - Or Rimer (3)

This episode features original music by Or Rimer.

Rimer, born in 1986, is a musician and composer based in Tel Aviv who plays in several bands and works with a variety of artists, including video and film makers, choreographers, and visual and performance artists, for whom he creates original scores and soundscapes. He also trains soccer teams

Radio Concrete by **Hagai Izenberg is a monthly experimental radio show focusing on live mixing and processing of field recordings together with contemporary music and soundscapes.

10:30am BST

The Wire: Adventures In Music and Sound # 11th April 2024

In this episode, Meg Woof plays tracks by some of the artists interviewed in the new issue of The Wire, including cover stars Still House Plants, Lolina, and Angelica Sanchez; plus new music by Nika Son, Elaine Mitchener, and Iceboy Violet; and several tracks from a new and extensive fundraiser compilation put together by New York label Purple Tape Pedigree

New music with The Wire Magazine.

Midday BST New!

SubPhonics #23 - A Walk in Nature

This episode is a retrospective of an installation and workshop by Subphonics hosted at Bermondsey Project Space including performances of graphic scores generated by some of participants to the workshop, Pippin Holland, Gusty Ferro and Rebecca Sentence. We also listen to some of the tracks that were part of the installation.

For any enquiries please contact

Quarterly noise from SubPhonics exploring themes of collaborative sound and performance.

1pm BST

Tenement Press Presents SJ Fowler’s MUEUM # I (of IV)

"With the apocalyptic vision of Ballard and the acerbic attitude of Céline, MUEUM scatters human detritus over the shiny Perspex of our most dearly loved vitrines."Chris McCabe

"A showcase, ransacked with horrid delight: Fowler's MUEUM presents the placid, lurid violences of surveillance and exhibition with startling and brutal stylishness. A seething triumph."Eley Williams

A novella of ludic menace, a puzzle without pieces, SJ Fowler’s MUEUM pictures the amassing and dismantling of a public edifice, brick by brick, in prose that refracts and breaks the light emitted by history’s ornaments and history’s omissions. Suspended in unknowable time there is a city; in the city, an event, a conflict. Amid the ash, fog and cloud, there is the manufacturing of a space—a many-winged museum on the make.

On the plinths, exquisite remnants of life present and past—adorning the walls, portraits of gentle torture sit hand in hand with brutal and statuesque portrayals of camaraderie—and the gift-shop is littered with plastic curios and gilt revulsion. Goya, as atmosphere rather than artwork, hovers amid iron age ghosts, bronzed ideas, and antiqued anxiety.

Pacing the hall, atrium and corridor, there are those who keep the museum—the various midwives to the building’s demands—and those, like the reader, who merely visit; those who pass through the vacant galleries adrift with questions. What can I touch? What is next to Egypt? What is hidden in Mesopotamia? Where do we eat? Drink? Where is the entrance? The exit? Following the tradition of the Nestbeschmutzer authors (“one who dirties their own nest,” vis-à-vis Bernhard and Gombrowicz, et al), in Fowler’s curt, spiralling, and acute work, the museum’s keepers will answer.

A four-part, unabridged broadcast of SJ Fowler’s debut novella, MUEUM — as read by the author — recorded on location in Resonance Extra's South London studios. Produced by Dominic Jaeckle and Milo Thesiger-Meacham.

2pm BST New!

Socialist Realness #6

Socialist Realness a mix series by GAJEK focusing on avant-garde and electronic music produced in the GDR and shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

3pm BST Monthly

Radio Picnic #71 - RöstiBrücke 2023

RöstiBrücke 2023 is the second part of an annual series of trans-linguistic-regional music exchanges in Switzerland.

Initiated right after the pandemic, this dialogue in performance and sound arts builds bridges between venues and artists. Cave12 and the Walcheturm pioneered by taking part in 2022.

For this 2023 edition, we managed to break through the Gotthard with Oggimusica and Foce in Lugano. We were also able to establish a trans-Jurassic connection with Centre Culturel ABC in La-Chaux-de-Fonds and Kaserne in Basel with Klappfon.

Radio Picnic is a mobile radio art project by zonoff which invites multi-disciplinary artists to create works inspired by the radio medium.

4pm BST

Radia #991 - Verse & Chorus By Dominic J. Jaeckle & Nadia De Vries

This episode is contribution by Resonance FM and Resonance Extra.

Readers, in order of appearance — Nadia de Vries; Cíntia Gil; Diamanda La Berge Dramm; Mark Lanegan; Stanley Schtinter; Becket Flannery; Vilde Valerie Bjerke Torset; Matthew Shaw; & Duke Garwood.

An exquisite corpse of an “I” played out in a multiplicity of voices, Verse & Chorus is an experimental act of collaborative reworking that quilts and collages cuts from two manuscripts (Jaeckle and de Vries) into an imagined third object. In order of appearance, the piece assembles readings from Nadia de Vries, Cíntia Gil, Diamanda La Berge Dramm, Mark Lanegan, Stanley Schtinter, Becket Flannery, and Vilde Valerie Bjerke Torset, with an accompaniment of borrowed songs and original music from Matthew Shaw, Mark Lanegan, and Duke Garwood.

Jaeckle and de Vries writings are excerpted from two collections published by Dostoyevsky Wannabe; Jaeckle’s 36 Exposures and de Vries’ I Failed to Swoon, 2021. Verse & Chorus was first broadcast on Montez Press Radio (New York), 29.01.21, and was broadcast thereafter as an element of the online programme for the 2021 edition of Rewire Festival (The Hague, Netherlands), 06.05.21.

Jaeckle's 36 Exposures is forthcoming in a new edition from John Cassavetes / Tenement Press, and is available for preorder here. Nadia de Vries' I Failed to Swoon is available here.

This twitter-verse feed takes philosophy personally, mixmasters it up with best friends and late-night movie simulations. While there are encounters by the galore, and biographical instants dropped like crumbs on a forest walk, the focus here is not on the story, but the lighting, the staging, the choreography of digression. Talk about talking. In these mirrors are reflections of a lost brother, an almost date, an almost self, on the times we used to have, the blood rites we shared until we couldn’t. (…) Pensive, coiled, we are dropped in the midst of a drama that will need to bury a few Russian philosophers before life can begin again. And coursing through it all this essential belief: that the right painted apple, the right sentence, the right thought: would change the world. The revolution is in the waiting room.

Mike Hoolboom, on Jaeckle’s 36 Exposures

I Failed to Swoon fails to swoon; it relays; it blurts; like someone breaking bad news to you, but about themselves and with no bedside manner, who then moves to sit somewhere else while maintaining eye contact; De Vries is a poet of barbed brevity, brutal idiom, figgety desire and delicious deadpan, like fresh white spit on a patent leather shoe; what can you do but hold up your fist of horns and believe her entirely?

Jack Underwood, on de Vries’ I Failed to Swoon

With aphorism, deep pith, and humour, Nadia de Vries delivers her sly lines and contrarian point of view with great force, making an uncomfortable music. I Failed to Swoon keeps it real. It has menace.

Peter Gizzi, on de Vries’ I Failed to Swoon

Members of Radia, the international group of independent cultural radio stations, explore new and forgotten ways of making radio.

4:30pm BST New!

Atmospheric Densities #10

This episode opens with a special introduction by Finnish AV duo Vongoiva where they discuss the inspiration and process behind their new album Jatuli Observatory. We also listen in full to Hadi Bastani and Maryam Sirvan's trans.placed and take a first listen to three upcoming releases which are all inspired by errors.

Greek composer Savvas Metaxas, Iran's Kamran Arashnia and London-based Jonathan Higgins all offer up their unique takes on the possibilities of mistakes. Madeleine Cocolas' new one gets a spin and the show closes with an edit of Rubbish Music's live set earlier this month at Cafe Oto.

This is the Flaming Pines radio show featuring new releases, mixes and experiments in field recording, sound art and experimental music, hosted by Kate Carr and guests.

6pm BST Weekly, Sunday at 9am New!

Out From Under #9 - Lawrence English

Curator, musician and sound artist Lawrence English founded his Room 40 label over fifteen years ago, and in the intervening years has nurtured over 150 releases in a roster that includes David Toop, Tim Hecker and Grouper and Australian figures such as Oren Ambarchi, Chris Abrahams and Ben Frost. In a wide-ranging interview, he talks about his long-standing relationship with the city of Brisbane, his deep commitment to opening the doors to seemingly inaccessible music, and the ways in which he considers our complex and evolving relationship with sound and listening.

Missed the show? Catch up on Mixcloud.

Hosted by Stu Buchanan, Out From Under dives deep beneath the surface of the Australian music scene, celebrating experimental and eclectic music from the far end of the world.

7pm BST New!

Kinn Presents #3 - Kareem Samara Archives (2018 - 2021)

In this episode, Kareem and Kinn stitch together 3 years of sketches, demos, field recordings and live improvisations into an hour of completely original and unheard music. Additional features from composer Reuben Kyriakides (Piano) & Bint Mbareh (Vocals & Buzuq).

Kareem and Kinn will be recording a short LP in the summer featuring finalised pieces for Oud, Guitar, Feedback and Samplers.

Channelling an array of fervent interests in many genres through different mediums (Film, Music, Sound Art and more), Kinn - the brooding-electronics project of London based artist Freddy Lomas - and his guests use original soundscapes and compositions to weave together an original concept for each month's show.

8pm BST

Theatre of the Ears #9 - Desire, Fear, Capitalism

This episode features themes of desire, fear, and capitalism, with tracks from Sean Landers, Philemona Williamson, David Velez, and Ake Hodell.

Theatre of the Ears is a programme exploring radio and transmission art, hosted by Andrew Jarvis.

9pm BST

Epeisodion #11 w/ COSI - A Balance Between Realism and Aestheticism

In this episode, a balance between realism and aestheticism with music by Aisha Devi, Yves De May, Mika Vainio and more.

Moods and preoccupations in a nonlinear narrative in and out of the club with COSI and The Source of Some Certainty - created by Corinna Triantafyllidis and Henry Rodrick.

10pm BST

Super Takeover # Trudy Ziah

This hour is mixed by Trudy Ziah.

Super Takeover was a 24-hour takeover on Resonance Extra organised by Superfluid.

11pm BST

Listening Experience #1 - Pulse

This episode: The use of pulse in instrumentation.

A monthly collection of audio experiments and listening objects with sound artist Matt Burnett from Berlin.

Midnight BST New!

Sirius #2 - New York Scenario

All music by Sirius unless otherwise denoted.

Dusty, bimonthly, high-density mixtapes and exclusive material from London duo Sirius, digging loop-holes and following their nose for the God scent.

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