Mitamine Lab #44 - Fenomenal Woman

with Mitamine Lab
Saturday 13th April 2024 09:00 - 10:00 BST

Mitamine Lab is a culture laboratory based in Mexico City which blends sound archives with contemporary music and literature.

Taking in consideration these crazy — and capitalist— times we are experiencing, Mitamine Lab is back on Resonance Extra with a musical story inspired by the American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist Maya Angelou, revisiting and reclaiming our permanently evolving presence as fenomenal women, featuring some extracts of the last interview with political philosopher, author, and Holocaust survivor Hannah Arendt, who is considered to be one of the most influential political theorists of the 20th century. Plus some amazing promos sent to Mitamine Lab.

Artwork: Fumatorium at la Maestranza, 2018 by Julio Larraz.


  1. Janigro plays Schumann Cello Concerto - Nicht zu schnell
  2. Maya Angelou - Still I Rise
  3. Inhmost - Morning Break
  4. Taro Nohara - Peninsula Information Center
  5. The Last Interview with Hannah Arendt (1973 English & French)
  6. Taro Nohara - The Universe Above The Garden
  7. CC Sorensen - White as Green
  8. The Last Interview with Hannah Arendt (1973 English & French)
  9. picnic - crow (with kindtree)
  10. Kelsey Kawana & Alyssa Paul performing Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou
  11. Sa Pa - Lovember
  12. Leila Abdul-Rauf - Distortions In Phantasy IV Disembodiment
  13. Kelsey Kawana & Alyssa Paul performing Phenomenal Woman (response)
  14. øjeRum - The Beginning
  15. Pills - J 'me Sens Bien (Psycotropic Mix)
  16. Art-Fly Feat. Josi - Il Gioco Delle Perle Di Vetro (Night Version)
  17. Critical Rhythm (Feat Jango, Thriller and Vandel) - It Could Not Happen
  18. DJ Mekka - Square Emotions (Tropicana Mix)
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