Friday 22nd December 2023

12:50am GMT New!

Teaching Computers to Love #6 - Syd Nukuluk

This episode features a work by Syd Nukuluk.

Louis Grace presents Teaching Computers to Love. This is a collaborative platform for artists to develop an episode sonically with a 10-20 minute body of work.

1am GMT Weekly on Wednesday at 7pm

Naviar Broadcast #298 - Dark Clouds Menacing

This episode features music made by Naviar’s community inspired by Raymond Cobley’s poem “dark clouds menacing – / I doubt we shall reach shelter / before the deluge”.

To have your music featured on the show, participate in the Haiku music challenge.

Thirty minutes of experimental music made in response to a weekly haiku poem, curated by Marco Alessi of Naviar Records and Naviar's international community of composers.

1:30am GMT Monthly

Dronica #76 - Dronica Meets Lou Barnell

In this episode, Dronica meets Lou Barnell.

Lou is an award-winning vocalist, sound and performance artist. She is one of Sound and Music's New Voices 2022 Composers, and Manchester Jazz Festival Hothouse Residents 2023. She was winner of the 2021 Oram Awards, supported by The PRS Foundation and BBC Radiophonic Institute in recognition of innovation in sound and technology.

Lou’s work gives language to her alienating and disorientating experiences of being a neurodivergent woman. It communicates her synaesthetic experience of sound, hyperfocus and sensory overload.

This show is dedicated to Lou's Practice and the focus of her practice led PhD called Live Dreaming. This concept reconsiders her body as a mirror, reflecting and refracting parallel states of dreaming and performance. She emulates this duality in her work by creating scores and live performances with sculpted, shapeshifting, re-useable materials such as ice and thermoplastic. She uses wearable sensors and biorhythmic data to play and score music.

"As a woman growing up with a learning difficulty, the way I experience the world does not align with the way the world experiences me. To make sense of unfathomable surroundings, I use my voice as a material. My voice can be a compass, or a totem, it can be sculpted, broken and reformed.

It is the core of all of my music and production. I use wearable instruments and sculptures to contain, shape and release my body and voice. My aim is to become more than myself, to possess ways of communicating and receiving sound that are true to how I experience my surroundings."

Nicola Serra, founder of East London's experimental music festival Dronica, presents new and archival material.

3:30am GMT Monthly

Tse Tse Fly Middle East # August 2018

Tse Tse Fly Middle East was a nonprofit arts and activist organisation that existed from 2015 until 2023. Throughout that time, it presented a monthly two-hour radio programme showcasing sound art and experimental music from the Middle East, India and North Africa.

5:30am GMT Monthly on the Fourth Tuesday at 10pm

Sonic Tapestries #61

This show features a meandering mix of woven sounds, gently placed for your auditory relaxation. Holding to nothing as we drift sentimentally inwards. An elektronische meditation in the palace of time…

Find a spot to settle down and tune in to Sonic Tapestries…

Mat Eric Hart presents a sedated sojourn through worldly and mystical sounds.

7:30am GMT Monthly on the fourth Wednesday at 7.30pm New!

Lea Navigations #8 - Bow Creek & Cody Docks

The outer curve of a slowly winding stretch of the Lea takes us past abstract, refracted landscapes of steel and static haze. And yet, in tow of the gently insistent lapping of the water the cry of sea birds anticipate not so far away tidal waters.

Sparrows burst from verges and we now think we can make out the the distant strains of music echoing faintly off the far bank. With cheerful voices seemingly just around the next bend we hasten our step.

Littoral Transmissions meander through the sonic landscape of the River Lea from Stonebridge Lock to Leamouth. Recordings from the field converge with layers of sound to create an aural impression of the navigation.

8am GMT New!

First Light's Third Space #18 - Marara & Hyperdawn

In the first half of this show, Melbourne-based producer Marara captures an impression of her city in her distinctive style of sonic collage; fragments of conversation, found sound, and a curated selection of music from the area come together to form a considered and tender portrait of life in Victoria's capital.

Hyperdawn take the reins for the second hour, with a mix of field recordings, music, and exclusive material that honours the full range of Manchester's vibrant character; flitting between the city's outer marshlands and its bustling centre, intimate home recordings and bass-driven productions.

Each month, First Light Records invites two artists to take an unplanned journey with a microphone around their city to curate an hour-long mix. Each show captures the unique atmosphere of a city from each artist's perspective, through music and found sound.

10am GMT Weekly

Maximum Rocknroll Radio #1887

In this episode, Brandi brings you some jams to close out the year.

Maximum Rocknroll Radio is a weekly radio show and podcast featuring DIY punk, garage rock, hardcore, and more from around the world. A rotating cast of DJs pick the best of the best from MRR's astounding, ever-growing vinyl archive. You can find MRR Radio archives, specials and more on their website.

11am GMT

Live From 82 # Steven J Fowler and Benedict Taylor

In this extract from the day, a live duet by Steven J. Fowler and Benedict Taylor.

Steven J. Fowler is a contemporary English poet, writer and avant-garde artist, and founder of the European Poetry Festival. He recorded his debut novella MUEUM in the Resonance Extra studio, which was recently broadcast as a series. Benedict Taylor is a solo violist, violinist and composer.

Archival recordings of a 7-hour radio event broadcast live from the Resonance Extra studios on the 29th January 2023, featuring live performances and new and exclusive audio works.

11:30am GMT Monthly on the Third Wednesday at 6.30pm New!

Short Manual #5 - Happy Birthday, Reducer

Short Manual is a sound collage program & conceptual mix show with some original production included.

Midday GMT Weekly, Monday, 6pm

Unexplained Sounds #332

This episode features new music by Hans Castrup + Philippe Neau, Irving Paul Pereira, The Decaf Conspiracy, Cadlag, Y. Holopoulos, I. Valsamara, X Communion, Oubys, Lazar Darkovski, The Tara Experiment, Cult Of Light, Harrison and Dunkley and The Washing Planck.

A selection of new experimental music and sound work from the international underground network Unexplained Sounds, curated by Raffaele Pezzella (Sonologyst).

1pm GMT New!

Socialist Realness #1

This first episode features music by Noria Alias T.N., Jörg Foth, Chor Chor Flame, A.F Moebius and many more.

Socialist Realness a mix series by GAJEK focusing on avant-garde and electronic music produced in the GDR and shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

2pm GMT Monthly | First Sunday | 6pm

ATTN:Magazine #25 - Written Word

In a panoramic examination of how reading can shape the trajectory of life, Jack Chuter asks artists to discuss one book that has a profound impact on them.

Thematic mixes and reflections, captured along the Dorset coastline by ATTN:Magazine's Jack Chuter.

4pm GMT New!

Sonic Commune #8

An immersive psychosonic space, where sounds converse, collide and converge, featuring works, selections, edits, experiments, new music, non-music, archival objects, abstract artefacts, sound(system) and A/V art, pop, trash, noise, voice, and the associated mediums, processes and techniques that make up the ongoing audial investigations of Agents of the Culture Industry & OVT, all presented for art not profit.

6pm GMT

My Sweetheart Says I'm Bad: A Central Eurasian Melodiya Mix by Eugenie Galochkin

It ranges from radical ethnics from Turkmenistan to African rhythms from Azerbaijan, epic Mongolian avant-garde to psychedelic rock from Uyguria, as well as unprecedented folk - and even some synth-pop - from Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan-based DJ and TOPOT label boss Eugenie Galochkin presents a mix of rare vinyl rips of Central Eurasian music released on the Melodiya label between 1956-1991.

7pm GMT

Kinn Live at Resonance Extra

Watch Tarmac Garden, a track which currently exists exclusively in Kinn’s Live setlist, filmed in the studio. Recordings engineered by Shaun Duncan. DOP and editing by Herbie Lomas.

Live sampling, challenging performance cues and locked in a knife edge focus, a statement of the Kinn’s intent to make profound and provocative music.

A one-off broadcast of two tracks performed, recorded and filmed by Kinn at Resonance Extra's studios in October 2022 to mark the imminent release of his sophomore album Dogtooth. He is joined by Barkumdeer, a duo made up of violist Jenny Ames and percussionist Louis Giannamore; cellist Will Boon; and Eli Callingham, who plays out the final moments with harmonica.

7:22pm GMT

Live From 82 # Merlin Nova

In this extract from the day, a live solo performance by Merlin Nova, who is a London-based experimental vocalist, composer and performer.

Archival recordings of a 7-hour radio event broadcast live from the Resonance Extra studios on the 29th January 2023, featuring live performances and new and exclusive audio works.

7:43pm GMT

Neil Luck & Mimi Doulton: Five English Folk Songs

The idea that song, and the performance of song have some kind of efficacy or sympathy beyond the realm of living humans is an idea that lives and thrives in places far flung from this cluster of mild islands, but has gotten lost and buried in 21st century Western empiricalness. We hope this opens some windows for you.

Some liberties have been taken with interpretation; melodies swapped out, lyrics changed, structures altered, sounds invented, stories retold, truths averted.


  • Phalay

Secret Reformation-era Votive Antiphon from Stoke Minster (anon).

  • Lichens

Early Renaissance Invisibility Spell from England & Denmark. Adapted from The Grand Grimoire (misc., anon.)

  • Evergreen

Setting of HeartKickUKTM defibrillator manual text, accompanied by vaguely traditional leaf-blowing techniques.

  • Oh Great Goat

Animal Husbandry Song, (anon. Yak Herders), circa Ambleside.

  • Janey Has A Friend

Folk song from the 1980s about The Enfield Poltergeist, sung to the tune of “The Bow Gallows”. The story concerns a case of a notorious poltergeist haunting in a small residential house in Enfield between 1977-1979.

A family including two young daughters (Janet was one of them) were tormented by flying objects, toppled furniture, levitations, loud banging. The ghost, who introduced himself as “Bill” spoke through Janet’s own vocal cords in a gruff, low register.

Recorded at Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany, and live at Cafe Oto, London, UK. Recorded, mixed, edited by Neil Luck. Cafe Oto live recordings made by kyle acab. Cover illustration by Monika Czyzyk.

Five English Folk Songs by Neil Luck & Mimi Doulton is a collection of marginal traditional singing techniques and songs dug out by Neil and Mimi. These five songs all explore magical forms of communication with non-human energies; Flora, Fauna, Deities, The Dead, and the Quasi-Dead.

8pm GMT Monthly on the Fourth Tuesday at 8pm

Conditional #42 w/ Kindohm

In this episode, computer music classics and a guest mix from returning champ Kindohm, whose album Meme Booth was released on Conditional.

Tracks from across the spectrum of electronic and computer music, with Calum Gunn of Conditional.

10pm GMT

Epeisodion #15 - NON TROPPO

Moods and preoccupations in a nonlinear narrative in and out of the club with COSI and The Source of Some Certainty - created by Corinna Triantafyllidis and Henry Rodrick.

11pm GMT Twice-Monthly, First and Third Thursday at 6pm BST

female:pressure #128 - Ana María Romano G

Ana María Romano G is a Colombian composer and interdisciplinary sound artist. Her creative interests center around acoustic and electroacoustic media and participation in interdisciplinary projects involving contemporary dance, video dance, performance and live arts.

Her creative interests stem in the intersection of gender, sound and technology, listening, soundscape, noise, experimentation, improvisation, cyberspace, body and the political dimension of the creative. Her artistic works have been featured in festivals and published in physical support and by several netlabels in Latin America, Europe, North America, and Asia.

Currently, she teaches at Universidad El Bosque and Universidad de Antioquia. She is the coordinator of the Plataforma Feminista En Tiempo Real (Feminist Platform En Tiempo Real) dedicated to the encounter between sound and technology with focus on women and LBTQ+.

She has been nominated to the CLASSICAL NEXT INNOVATION AWARD 2019 (Holland) for the work of making visible the work of women in the field of experimental sound creation with technologies through the Festival En Tiempo Real.

Twice-monthly broadcast showcasing electronic music produced by members of the female:pressure international network of female, transgender and non-binary artists practising in the fields of electronic music and digital arts.

Midnight GMT

Winter Sunshine TT458

A one-off winter special by audio / visual decomposer Lepke B.

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