Unexplained Sounds #332

with Raffaele Pezzella
Friday 22nd December 2023 12:00 - 13:00 GMT

A selection of new experimental music and sound work from the international underground network Unexplained Sounds, curated by Raffaele Pezzella (Sonologyst).

This episode features new music by Hans Castrup + Philippe Neau, Irving Paul Pereira, The Decaf Conspiracy, Cadlag, Y. Holopoulos, I. Valsamara, X Communion, Oubys, Lazar Darkovski, The Tara Experiment, Cult Of Light, Harrison and Dunkley and The Washing Planck.


Hans Castrup + Philippe Neau - A postcard (2023)

Irving Paul Pereira - aquaria activa (2023)

The Decaf Conspiracy - Unexplained Sounds (2023)

Cadlag – Integral (Excerpt) (2023)

Yorgos Holopoulos, Ioanna Valsamara - Full of space and dust (2023)

X Communion - The Crawling Chaos (2023)

Oubys - Stones and Woods (2023)

Lazar Darkovski (2023)

The Tara Experiment - Roswell Methadone Clinic (2023)

Cult Of Light - Uncharted Corridors (2023)

Harrison and Dunkley - Cats Downtown (2023)

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