Radio Cascabel # Veronica Cerrotta

Diego Jalfen & Estefania Panizza
Friday 9th February 2024 15:04 - 16:00 GMT

A selection of the most vibrant and exciting new sounds of Latin America's emerging talents.

Verónica Daniela Cerrotta is an experimental artist from Buenos Aires, Argentina. She studied piano and visual arts. She composes music using her own field recordings, which she then mixes with other sounds and noises to create imaginary soundscapes. When she plays live she also uses her voice and a keyboard. She improvises music with friends in Buenos Aires and Río de Janeiro, completing a Sound Art residence in June 2017 and January 2018.


On the road- Elemento Estanho (Carol Medeiros- Laura Zimmermann, Letícia Naveira, Aline Couri, Anne Santoro. Río de Janeiro, Brasil)
No Seras Open - Pleisto Seno, Buenos Aires
Neptunia - 2103 Facundo Aguirre - Verónica Cerrotta, Buenos Aires
Ascenoção de Prometheus - Pedro Díaz - Río de Janeiro, Brasil
Fragmento VI (de Conversaciones con Samuel Beckett) -Pablo Ribot, Buenos Aires
Susto-Cigarras (Vinhal- Yna Kabe - Mayra Revolutionaif - Ramiro Gallas - Ayla Gresta - Ludmila Patre.) Brasilia, Brasil
Excerpt 4 - Juan Manuel Patricio - Pico Truncado, Santa Cruz, Argentina
Chuva-Wutzki - Campinhas, Brasil
Monoambiente - Verónica D. Cerrotta
DRO173 - Malcolm Delaney - Buenos Aires
Cactus - Ffff-(Arequipa, Perú)
Pedro G - Verónica D.Cerrotta

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