Radio Cascabel #1034 - Sulky Netlabel

Diego Jalfen & Estefania Panizza
Friday 8th December 2023 15:00 - 15:59 GMT

A selection of the most vibrant and exciting new sounds of Latin America's emerging talents.

In this episode: Sulky is a Netabel based in Médanos, Buenos Aires, Argentina founded in 2013. Sulky is an Argentine virtual initiative that seeks to distribute different independent musical expressions.

The sound poetry of a landscape, the wind, the underground city, the music of a room, the song. They want to be a media, an instance of approach and interaction with artists and other labels. They want to sum those efforts.


01.- Cosmo Tropel - Azul verano
02.- Juan Cruz Iglesias - Sobremesa
03.- Federico Dantagnan - tara ta ta ta ta tatata
04.- Sergio Daich - Al fin!
05.- Camilo Franco - Luces Amarilla
06.- Cosmo Tropel - Pilgrim
07.- Camilo Franco - Porque hoy fue verano
08.- Poder Fantasma - Plantas Prehistóricas
09.- Juan Cruz Iglesias - Varias nubes bajas
10.- Juan Bautista dominguez - Alba
11.- Cosmo Tropel - Koke Blest
12.- Federico Dantagnan - Encontraré una canción
13.- Camilo Franco - Un pampeano sin planes
14.- Juan Cruz Iglesias - Futuro Japón
15.- Federico Carlorosi - Patagónia

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