Theatre of the Ears

with Andrew Jarvis

Theatre of the Ears is a programme exploring radio and transmission art, hosted by Andrew Jarvis.

Previous episodes

Theatre of the Ears #6 - Michael Snow

Wednesday 1st February 2017 19:00 - 20:00 GMT

This episode takes a listen to the shortwave radio improvisations of Michael Snow, with experimental voice works from; - Neil and Elaine mills, Bruce Nauman, Gregory whitehead, Sue Tompkins and Kurt Schwitters.

Theatre of the Ears #4 - Aurora Borealis

Wednesday 7th September 2016 19:00 - 20:00 BST

This episode takes a listen to the Icelandic aurora borealis, sounds from North Finland, underwater transmissions, Horspiel, and readings from the streets of New York.

Theatre of the Ears #3 - Utopia

Wednesday 6th July 2016 19:00 - 20:00 BST

In this episode Andrew Jarvis creates a montage exploring the concept of utopia through transmission, the cut-up technique, futurology, dreams and dialogue. Including sounds from Tetsuo Kogawa, Robert Ashley's television opera, Delia Derbyshire, Kelly Mark and William S. Burroughs.

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