Monday 23rd December 2024

Midnight GMT


All participants were invited to programme one hour with you- as the sole prompt. The result could be a mix of live and recorded (or entirely one or the other). There could be a visual element throughout, or partial, or none at all. An open structure welcoming coherent incoherence (or, incoherent coherence). A radio-but-not-really-radio event where you and you and you share the same nonplace.


  • YOU- HOUR 1 (12-13 GMT): Christof Migone, featuring Xuan Ye

  • YOU- HOUR 2 (13-14 GMT): UTSC Dept. ACM PRESENTS The Scarborough Sound with Tiffany Schofield, Erika DeFreitas, Christopher Dela Cruz, Marla Hlady, Eric Slyfield

  • YOU- HOUR 3 (14-15 GMT): Steve Bates (Saskatoon)

  • YOU- HOUR 4 (15-16 GMT): Wave Farm PRESENTS Jen Kutler, Sadie Woods

  • YOU- HOUR 5 (16-17 GMT): Wave Farm PRESENTS Agustina Woodgate, Jeff Kolar

  • YOU- HOUR 6 (17-18 GMT): Béchard Hudon (Montréal)

  • YOU- HOUR 7 (18-19 GMT): UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN ART GALLERIES AND SQUINT PRESS PRESENTS the launch of Vivian Darroch-Lozowski’s book Voice of Hearing with the author, jake moore, Daniela Cascella, Christof Migone, Ann West

  • YOU- HOUR 8 (19-20 GMT): Resonance Extra PRESENTS Merlin Nova, Andrew Ford, Anastasia Freygang

  • YOU- HOUR 9 (20-21 GMT): Resonance Extra PRESENTS Erik Lintunen, Milo Thesiger-Meacham

  • YOU- HOUR 10 (21-22 GMT): Anna Friz (Santa Cruz) with Amy Mihyang Ginther, Cynthia Ling Lee, Gabriel Saloman

  • YOU- HOUR 11 (22-23 GMT): Animals of Distinction (Montréal) PRESENTS Dana Gingras, Tot Onyx, Sonya Stefan

  • YOU- HOUR 12 (23-00 GMT): GLENFIDDICH DISTILLERY PRESENTS Swan Song by Marla Hlady & Christof Migone

Main info page

Project page

Part of the works produced during the Glenfiddich Residency, Summer 2019. Other works include: Sampler, and Swan Song.

Thanks to: Jennifer Martin (graphic design), Milo Thesiger-Meacham and James Dunn (Resonance), Galen Joseph-Hunter (Wave Farm), Andy Fairgrieve (Glenfiddich).

A 12-hour online event organised by Christof Migone in collaboration with Resonance Extra, Wave Farm, Squint Press, USask Art Galleries, Animals of Distinction and Glenfiddich Whisky. The first in a series of twelve annual events taking place on December the 12th from noon to midnight GMT (7-7 EST, 5-5 CST, 4-4 PST). Each year the event moves through each word of the 12-word phrase you and I are water earth fire air of life and death and activate the word of the year in myriad ways. In 2020 it started with you-. It always starts with you-.

Midday GMT


Second in a series of twelve annual events taking place on December 12 from noon to midnight noon to midnight EST (9-9 PST, 11-11 CST, 17-05 GMT, 18-06 CET, 1-13 CST, 2-14 KST). Each year the event moves through each word of the 12-word phrase: 'you and I are water earth fire air of life and death' and activates the word of the year in myriad ways.

This year the word is ‘and’, consequently the focus is on repetitions, conjunctions, and duos. Last year it started with ‘you’, this year we connect you to anything and everything, we connect you to what you are together-with. Or, we get stuck in the very act that ‘and’ opens up, into the enormity that the so-what-next that ‘and’ implies.

‘And’ is all possibilities in a nutshell.


HOUR 1 (17:00 GMT)

Fado (Toronto) PRESENTS Erika DeFreitas (Toronto) and Adrian Piper (Berlin)

-AND- HOUR 2 (18:00 GMT)

Radius (Chicago) PRESENTS Anna Friz (Santa Cruz) and Jeff Kolar (Chicago)

-AND- HOUR 3 (19:00 GMT)

Zone Sound Creative (Taiwan) PRESENTS Po-Hao Chi (Taipei)

-AND- HOUR 4 (20:00 GMT)

Resonance Extra (London UK) PRESENTS Neil Luck, Merlin Nova, and Milo Thesiger-Meacham

-AND- HOUR 5 (21:00 GMT)

LOOP (Seoul) PRESENTS Byungjun Kwon (Seoul)

-AND- HOUR 6 (22:00 GMT)

CRiSAP (London UK) PRESENTS They are all of them themselves and they repeat it and I hear it (Anna Barham & Irene Revell) (London UK)

-AND- HOUR 7 (23:00 GMT)

squint press (Québec/Toronto) PRESENTS Different From The One You Are In Now with Mary Walling Blackburn, Allison Cameron, Barbara Campbell, Budhaditya Chattopadhyay, Darren Copeland, Renato Grieco, Michaela Grill, Sarah Hennies, Marla Hlady, Seth Kim-Cohen, Francisco Meirino, Salomé Voegelin

-AND- HOUR 8 (00:00 GMT)

Array (Toronto) PRESENTS Renée Lear (Toronto) and Christof Migone (Toronto)

-AND- HOUR 9 (01:00 GMT)

Western University (London ON) PRESENTS Ellen Moffat (London ON) and Eeva Siivonen (London ON)

-AND- HOUR 10 (02:00 GMT)

Avatar (Québec) PRESENTS Béchard Hudon (Montréal)

-AND- HOUR 11 (03:00 GMT)

Wave Farm (New York) PRESENTS LoVid (New York)

-AND- HOUR 12 (04:00 GMT)

Errant Bodies Press (Berlin) PRESENTS undo (Christof Migone (Toronto) & Alexandre St-Onge (Québec)

For full programme here

Project page here

A 12 hour online event. 32 artists, 6 countries, 3 continents, 12 hours. Presented by Christof Migone, Alt Space Loop, Arraymusic, Avatar Centre, CRiSAP, Errant Bodies Press, Fado, Radius, Resonance Extra,, Wave Farm, Western University and Zone Sound Creative.

Midnight GMT


Last year's word was ‘I’, consequently the focus was on selfless selves, linked Is, and not-Is. The first year it started with ‘you’, last year ‘and’ came to connect you to anything and everything, last year that point of connection was ‘I’—the porous one, the solo collective.

The audiovisual stream is archived here via Arraymusic

Presented by Christof Migone, Arraymusic, Resonance Extra , Constellation, FADO, Liquid Architecture, MetaObjects, NAISA, OBORO, Radius, SAVAC, Squint Press, The Dim Coast, Trinity Square Video, Tsonami and Wave Farm.

Full Programme (GMT):

  • HOUR 1

SAVAC (Tkarón:to/Toronto) Presents Tazeen Qayyum (Tkarón:to/Toronto)

  • HOUR 2

Squint Press (Tkarón:to/Toronto and Québec City) Presents Gabriela Areal (Buenos-Aires)

  • HOUR 3

The Dim Coast (Saskatoon) Presents A Sound That Never Was (International)

  • HOUR 4

Trinity Square Video (Tkarón:to/Toronto) Presents Midi Onodera (Tkarón:to/Toronto) and Claire Savoie (Tiohti:àke/Montréal)

  • HOUR 5

Tsonami (Valparaíso) Presents Michel Poblete Montoya (Santiago)

  • HOUR 6

Wave Farm (Acra, NY) Presents David Grubbs (Brooklyn)

  • HOUR 7

OBORO (Tiohti:àke/Montréal) Presents Chloe Lum & Yannick Desranleau (Tiohti:àke/Montréal)

  • HOUR 8

Metaobjects (Hong Kong) Presents Ryo Ikeshiro (Hong Kong)

  • HOUR 9

Liquid Architecture (Naarm/Melbourne) Presents Machine Listening: Sean Dockray, James Parker, Joel Stern (Naarm/Melbourne)

  • HOUR 10

Arraymusic (Tkarón:to/Toronto) Presents Mani Mazinani (Tkarón:to/Toronto)

  • HOUR 11

Constellation (Tiohti:àke/Montréal) Presents Sam Shalabi (Tiohti:àke/Montréal)

  • HOUR 12

FADO (Tkarón:to/Toronto) Presents Cindy Baker (Edmonton)

10 minutes at the end of each hour will feature audiovisual roomtones by Kate Carr, Andrea-Jane Cornell, Emily DiCarlo, Joaquín Gutiérrez Hadid, Sebastiane Hegarty, Laura Kikauka, Annette Krebs, Nick Kuepfer, Matmos, Gordon Monahan, Debashis Sinha, and Maia Urstad.

The third in Christof Migone's series of twelve annual 12-hour events taking place on December 12th from 5pm to 5am the next day. Each year the event moves through each word of the phrase ‘You and I Are Water Earth Fire Air of Life and Death’ and a group of international artists activate the word of the year in myriad ways.

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