Saturday 20th April 2024

1am BST Twice-Monthly, First and Third Thursday at 6pm BST

female:pressure #132 - Leika

Since 2019, Leika has been playing her signature sound of downtempo, deep tech and deep house in some of the most popular venues in Europe, including Freiburg's Insel der Freuden Festival, Hans Bunte Areal, Ruefetto, The Great Räng Teng Teng, Beate Uwe in Berlin, Südpol in Hamburg, Kaschemme and Art Stage in Basel, and Chat:Eau Festival in France.

As part of the MoMo/Raum|Zeit collective, she is involved in organizing parties and events. Additionally, as one half of the duo Lenkrad, she is already a fan favorite. Leika is also an admin of House of FLINTA, where she works to promote equity and visibility for FLINTA artists. With her contagious energy and focus on the crowd's mood, it's no wonder Leika is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after DJs.

Twice-monthly broadcast showcasing electronic music produced by members of the female:pressure international network of female, transgender and non-binary artists practising in the fields of electronic music and digital arts.

2am BST Monthly

Gravity Waves and The Spirit World #1 - Rummage!

This episode "Rummage!" features: one hour of new works by Henry Collins, Caleb Madden and Geoff Reader; plus live performance from Goitt, a special work by Sean Dower - and more! For more information visit

Commissioned new work from contemporary sound practitioners and other audio choices from experimental electronic collective The Spirit of Gravity.

4am BST

The Great Tide

Thanks to Michele Chowrimootoo.

Patrick Bernard discusses The Great Tide by Hilda Grieve with writer and social historian Ken Worpole; Edward Platt, author of The Great Flood; and Anne Johnson, a storyteller who runs Everyday Magic, a London-based charity which sends storytellers into state primary schools, and who lived on Canvey Island at the time of The Great Flood of 1953, the worst natural disaster in Britain of the 20th century.

5am BST New!

Midnight Echoes #5

For the penultimate show in this run Ilia Rogatchevski presents a mix of club sounds from Olof Dreijer, Ana Zhdanova & Karpesh, ambient post-rock from Trupa Trupa, and remembers Montreal with recordings by Danielle Boutet, Open Reel Ensemble and Enfant Magique. Plus new music from Keeley Forsyth, Vanessa Bedoret and Laura Kampman.

Music journalist Ilia Rogatchevski presents a weekly selection of expansive sounds and adventurous music from the world of and beyond.

6am BST Monthly

Dronica #25

Music from Bologna label's Subsidence (SR60, Coagulant, Francisco Lopez), Franz Rosati, Tullia Benedicta and remixes from Tapefeed & Samuel Kerridge, NoiD and Left Hand Cuts Off Right.

Nicola Serra, founder of East London's experimental music festival Dronica, presents new and archival material.

8am BST Monthly / First Tuesday / 8pm

Discrepancies #52

Discrepancies is a global showcase of disparate music with a focus on earthly field recordings and international sounds, curated by the Discrepant record label, presented by Gonçalo F Cardoso.

9am BST

Mitamine Lab #43 - June Is a Great Month

Mitamine Lab is a culture laboratory based in Mexico City which blends sound archives with contemporary music and literature.

10am BST

Radio Concrete #32 - Cerpintxt

In this episode: An amalgamation of fragmented events with a focus on Arabic hauntology and Bedouin poetry; decomposing and recomposing the material to reveal latent features which persist regardless of this ongoing decontextualization, reallocating our gaze from meaning to contour. Featuring cerpintxt.

Radio Concrete by Hagai Izenberg is a monthly experimental radio show which deals with live mixing and processing of field recordings together with radio broadcasting and concrete sounds. Fresh raw materials including everyday sounds, samples from tv & radio, news editions and advertisements are all gathered on a regular basis and then mixed together with live sources (FM and AM stations and other live online streaming sources) and objects (such as amplified/hacked toys).

10:30am BST

The Wire: Adventures In Music and Sound # 18th April 2024

In this episode Phil England presents music by Rafael Toral, Splitter Orchestra, Moor Mother, Kathy Hinde, Ko Ishikawa, Mazz Swift, Rhodri Davies, I Made Subandi, Ailbhe Nic Oireachtaigh, Sam Lee, Orchestre O.K. Jazz and many more.

New music with The Wire Magazine.

Midday BST New!

Connections to Sound #12

A monthly show exploring our innate connection to sound, and how we express that through music, showcasing work that connects to our body and minds through rich compositional choices, through intricate processes in the studio, or music that is inspired by the way we interact with the outside world. Connections to Sound journeys through downtempo, electronic, ambient and beat driven music, featuring tracks from artists all around the world. Presented by Kayla Painter.

1pm BST

Fae Ma Bit Tae Ur Bit #84

This episode features Karen Constance, Egg & Crisp, Dylan Nyoukis & Yoni Silver, Meadow Argus, Kinver Pond, Dominique Grimaud, Video Adventures, Yannick Dauby, Diadal, Violent Onsen Geisha, Lexie Mountain, Bernard Parmegiani, I'd M Theftable, Papal Bull, The Bohman Brothers, Sten Hanson, The Polly Shang Kuan Band and Tony Conrad.

Sound collage, record spinning, havering, ear wonk and general head scratch with Dylan Nyoukis of the Chocolate Monk label.

3pm BST Monthly

Radio Picnic #72 - Maudite

This episode features Maudite. Ambient drone drifts and mathematical electronic beats.

Radio Picnic is a mobile radio art project by zonoff which invites multi-disciplinary artists to create works inspired by the radio medium.

4pm BST

Radia #992 - Resonating Scultpures by Reni Hofmüller

This episode is contribution by Radio Helsinki

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" ––– Nikola Tesla

Sounds of electromagnetic waves, overlapping frequencies of unfathomable spaces - magical, fleeting and touching, these are the electro-poetic worlds of sound that Reni Hofmüller opens up with the antennas of her Resonating Sculptures. Radiation emissions from the natural and human-made world, the cosmos and the technological environment transformed into sounds: hissing, crackling, hissing, whistling, vibrating, clanking and clicking, humming, buzzing, vibrating and booming, voices, tones and sounds from the radio.

Since 2012, the media artist, musician, composer, organiser and activist has been working with communication spaces that are created and characterised through the use of antennas and interpreted musically and improvisationally in live sets. The sculptures are mobile, small, heavy, expansive, they reference places and spaces for which they were designed, and they each have their own history of creation.

These are reflected in the forms as well as the spectrum of what they receive. Eight Resonating Sculptures have been created over the past eleven years. In April 2024, a new series of antennas based on the water systems – rivers, drinking water canals and sewage – will open in Scala, Tabakalera, San Sebastian.

As early as the end of the 19th century, Nikola Tesla picked up signals from Jupiter during his first radio experiments and interpreted them using his imagination. The Resonating Sculptures appeal to this power of imagination in the same way as the blue of the deep when diving in the sea or the noise of the radio between the transmitters that suggest a potential, a maybe, a possibly. Hofmüller: "The world opens up for me from my world of sound."

Members of Radia, the international group of independent cultural radio stations, explore new and forgotten ways of making radio.

4:30pm BST


minusSPAMminus (SPAM 6) is a work made for radio and of spam facts, + and - regarding spam, personal stories triggered by spam in a material, non-material, historical and emotional manner, all assembled by Jasmina Al-Qaisi and Ralf Wendt with their invited friends and collaborators who decided to respond to the email they sent with the word SPAM in the subject.

This radio work arises from an invitation from Afrika Diva Collectif in Kinshasa and uses a non-linear approach to documentary, creating a circular audio collage with voices and audio accounts of daily life disturbances. We asked everyone and ourselves: how can life minus spam be? What would a life without spam look like?

Participants: Orakle Ngoy, Sara Ndele and Gina Ndaya (Afrika Diva Collectif); Claire Serres, Abir Tawakalna, Pati Sayuri, Beya Othmani, Ali, Nico and Lav (CUTRA pop feminist magazine); Henrik Nieratschker, Gustavo Mendez and Maria Karpushina (Research and Waves); Parveda Chandra Kiran, Özge Açıkkol and Seçil Yersel (odaprojesi group); Heidi Salaverria, Alexandru Udrea-Raj, Tina Klatte, Simona Constantin, Cristina Bogdan, Mriganka Madhukaillya, Sebastian Gerstengarbe, Alexander Klose, and Schnelle Musikalische Hilfe. Translations by Clara Brandt and Elsa Westreicher.

Audio collage (2021) by Jasmina Al-Qaisi and Ralf Wendt with Afrika Diva Collectif.

7:30pm BST Monthly on the fourth Wednesday at 7.30pm

Littoral Transmissions #21 - River Tuning

In this episode: you never stand in the same river twice; and in the same vein you never hear the same river's song. Tuning in to that voice, meandering, undulating, hypnotic...

Littoral Transmissions meander through the sonic landscape of the River Lea from Stonebridge Lock to Leamouth. Recordings from the field converge with layers of sound to create an aural impression of the navigation.

8pm BST

Theatre of the Ears #10 - Polish Experimental Radio Studio

In this episode Andrew Jarvis digs deep into the archives of the ‘Polish Radio Experimental Studio’, discovering electro-acoustic sounds, field recordings, Sci-fi visions and Futurist Poetry from Poland’s former state broadcaster.

Theatre of the Ears is a programme exploring radio and transmission art, hosted by Andrew Jarvis.

9pm BST

Epeisodion #14 - Embarrassed On Your Behalf

Moods and preoccupations in a nonlinear narrative in and out of the club with COSI and The Source of Some Certainty - created by Corinna Triantafyllidis and Henry Rodrick.

10pm BST

Super Takeover # Earthquake Sound

This hour is mixed by Earthquake Sound.

Super Takeover was a 24-hour takeover on Resonance Extra organised by Superfluid.

11pm BST

Listening Experience #2 - Sonance

This second episode is focused on the musical/sonic use of sonance. More about this here.

A monthly collection of audio experiments and listening objects with sound artist Matt Burnett from Berlin.

Midnight BST

SHAPE # Stephen Grew

In this episode: improv pianist and SHAPE artist Stephen Grew presents two hours of influential piano music including Bartok, Stravinsky, Tippett and Debussy.

Sounds of the SHAPE Platform (Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe).

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