Thursday 28th December 2023

5am GMT

Walking with Sebald: Austerlitz and the East End

Patrick and his guests walk from Exchange Square behind Liverpool Street Station – where Austerlitz first arrives to London on the Kindertransport – to Brick Lane where Stephen reads a poem dedicated to Altab Ali and Bill Fishman. From there they continue to Alderney Road – where Austerlitz lives in the novel and also home to the oldest Ashkenazi Jewish cemetery in the UK – and finally arrive at Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park behind St. Clement's Hospital where Sebald's character spends a long period of recovery.

Sound recorded by Milo Thesiger-Meacham and photography by Karen Lacey-Holder. Thanks to Leonard Shear of the United Synagogue.

In this extended programme Patrick Bernard follows in the footsteps of W. G. Sebald and his eponymous character Austerlitz as he explores the East End of London with poet Stephen Watts (a friend of 'Max' Sebald who accompanied him on many of his walks). They are joined by Nadia Valman and David Anderson from Queen Mary University of London as they visit many of the locations in the novel to uncover the layers of history hidden beneath the surface of the city and Sebald's text.

7:30am GMT

12h23 - 23h12

Full Programme (GMT):

Over ten hours of live experimental music, performance art and spoken word, broadcast from Les Instants Chavirés on the 17th December 2022. Hosted by Instants Chavirés, Sonic Protest and Collectif Coax. Featuring Moineau Ecarlate, Tzii, Rae, Ponge, Undae and many more.

6pm GMT Twice-Monthly, First and Third Thursday at 6pm BST

female:pressure #130 - Kleine Pía

Kleine Pía is the alias of Pía Sotomayor, who debuted in 2003 under the alias of DJ Ruina. With a style that crosses without prejudice between techno, electro, house, breakbeat, experimental and contemporary club, she has had the opportunity to present herself on many radio stations, and in clubs, parties and festivals in Chile and around the world.

For some years now she has been experimenting with machines, editing singles for various labels such as Panal and Halcxn. In November 2022, she released her first EP Multi Level Void on the Chilean-Mexican label Filiae, an EP of 6 tracks, three originals and three remixes, by Valesuchi, Tomás Urquieta and Ron Morelli, mastered by AtomTM.

Twice-monthly broadcast showcasing electronic music produced by members of the female:pressure international network of female, transgender and non-binary artists practising in the fields of electronic music and digital arts.

7pm GMT New!

Temporary Palaces # Parts i-iii of iii

Here we broadcast parts i (Tarzan the Apeman), ii (The Wild One) and iii (The Stranger).

Offering surreal glimpses of what might be identified as echoes of a post-Republic America, an imagined Middle East, and some other unnamed and unreachable world, Palace chronicles a vivid landscape of crumbling towers and heart-broken animals, eclipses, comets, and lovers in abandoned rooms. Produced by Dominic J. Jaeckle and Milo Thesiger–Meacham.

Kyra Simone is a writer from Los Angeles, now based in Brooklyn. Her fiction and poetry have appeared in a variety of literary journals, including The Baffler, The Brooklyn Rail, BOMB, Conjunctions, Fence, The Anthology of Best American Experimental Writing, and elsewhere. She is a member of the publishing collective Ugly Duckling Presse, and part of a two-woman team running the editorial office of Zone Books.

"From the stuff we unfold in the morning and throw in the recycling bin at night, Simone coaxes the rhythms of cyclical life, that baseline on which extraordinary events and crises exert their pressure. The world she constructs is recognisable, textured, gently humorous—but also luminously, piercingly exact, possessed of the strangeness of seeing something for the first or the last time".

— Alexandra Kleeman, author of Something New Under the Sun.

"I was hooked by the very first sentence of Kyra Simone’s Palace of Rubble: ‘A breaking wave collapses on the bank before two half-naked women on white Arabian horses.’ The sentence is so precise, down to the use of the erotic “collapses.” Plunged into this direct, clear, and mysterious arrangement of words, I was always left wondering what will happen next. Where will the next sentence take me? I was never disappointed. Simone is able to maintain and shift that propulsive curiosity throughout the book. While dancing with us, each sentence is a journey. Each story is a multi-faceted gem—a ‘beguiling dream of eternal cinema".

— John Yau, author of Genghis Chan on Drums.

"Majestic flights of fancy spun around ravaged landscapes and savage realities, these are remarkable prose poems for the 21st century".

— Chloe Aridjis, author of Sea Monsters.

"Reading Simone’s work is reminiscent of an archaeological excavation. The writing has dug to the past and emerged in the future, passing on its way those civilisations, kingdoms and palaces long since blown away or buried, it is covered in their dust. I can’t help but think, isn’t this madness? Isn’t life beautiful".

— Vanessa Onwuemezi, author of Dark Neighbourhood.

Temporary Palaces is a special triplicate of hour-long broadcasts that serialises an unabridged rendition of Kyra Simone's debut collection, Palace of Rubble (Tenement Press, 2022). Initially inspired by a photograph of one of Saddam Hussein’s demolished palaces, Simone’s Palace of Rubble is a collection of one-page stories composed primarily of single words culled each day from the front pages of the newspaper.

10:07pm GMT

Ennui Dealer's Mystery Tapes #2 - Chapter 2: Long Coyote Night

Ennui Dealer's Mystery Tapes: is a hard-boiled para-realist mystery novel fragmented and decentralized into a series of sound collages, images and text. When Ennui Dealer stumbles into a conspiracy penetrating seemingly every layer of society and involving the rat king, his eggmen and a host of unforgivable characters, life as they know it begins to erode and mutate. Opening a pathway into the underworld, Ennui Dealer attempts to wade past the horizon into the darkness past the curve.

11pm GMT

Radia #978 - Translate Chain by TT Node

Radio PSG MATIN is a very local station that simulcasts live on

For the past five years, the main show, named La Matinale (The Morning Show), has taken place every other Monday from 7am to 9am at a local café in le Pré-Saint-Gervais, a North-Eastern Parisian suburb. Translate Chain was recorded under live conditions.

Members of Radia, the international group of independent cultural radio stations, explore new and forgotten ways of making radio.

11:30pm GMT


Last year's word was ‘I’, consequently the focus was on selfless selves, linked Is, and not-Is. The first year it started with ‘you’, last year ‘and’ came to connect you to anything and everything, last year that point of connection was ‘I’—the porous one, the solo collective.

The audiovisual stream is archived here via Arraymusic

Presented by Christof Migone, Arraymusic, Resonance Extra , Constellation, FADO, Liquid Architecture, MetaObjects, NAISA, OBORO, Radius, SAVAC, Squint Press, The Dim Coast, Trinity Square Video, Tsonami and Wave Farm.

Full Programme (GMT):

  • HOUR 1

SAVAC (Tkarón:to/Toronto) Presents Tazeen Qayyum (Tkarón:to/Toronto)

  • HOUR 2

Squint Press (Tkarón:to/Toronto and Québec City) Presents Gabriela Areal (Buenos-Aires)

  • HOUR 3

The Dim Coast (Saskatoon) Presents A Sound That Never Was (International)

  • HOUR 4

Trinity Square Video (Tkarón:to/Toronto) Presents Midi Onodera (Tkarón:to/Toronto) and Claire Savoie (Tiohti:àke/Montréal)

  • HOUR 5

Tsonami (Valparaíso) Presents Michel Poblete Montoya (Santiago)

  • HOUR 6

Wave Farm (Acra, NY) Presents David Grubbs (Brooklyn)

  • HOUR 7

OBORO (Tiohti:àke/Montréal) Presents Chloe Lum & Yannick Desranleau (Tiohti:àke/Montréal)

  • HOUR 8

Metaobjects (Hong Kong) Presents Ryo Ikeshiro (Hong Kong)

  • HOUR 9

Liquid Architecture (Naarm/Melbourne) Presents Machine Listening: Sean Dockray, James Parker, Joel Stern (Naarm/Melbourne)

  • HOUR 10

Arraymusic (Tkarón:to/Toronto) Presents Mani Mazinani (Tkarón:to/Toronto)

  • HOUR 11

Constellation (Tiohti:àke/Montréal) Presents Sam Shalabi (Tiohti:àke/Montréal)

  • HOUR 12

FADO (Tkarón:to/Toronto) Presents Cindy Baker (Edmonton)

10 minutes at the end of each hour will feature audiovisual roomtones by Kate Carr, Andrea-Jane Cornell, Emily DiCarlo, Joaquín Gutiérrez Hadid, Sebastiane Hegarty, Laura Kikauka, Annette Krebs, Nick Kuepfer, Matmos, Gordon Monahan, Debashis Sinha, and Maia Urstad.

The third in Christof Migone's series of twelve annual 12-hour events taking place on December 12th from 5pm to 5am the next day. Each year the event moves through each word of the phrase ‘You and I Are Water Earth Fire Air of Life and Death’ and a group of international artists activate the word of the year in myriad ways.

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