Wednesday 29th November 2023

1am GMT Monthly

Tse Tse Fly Middle East # April 2020

Tse Tse Fly Middle East was a nonprofit arts and activist organisation that existed from 2015 until 2023. Throughout that time, it presented a monthly two-hour radio programme showcasing sound art and experimental music from the Middle East, India and North Africa.

3am GMT New!

Pleasure Beach (Cochlearical) # Palmer, On Pleasure Beach

In this final broadcast of the series, the author Helen Palmer speaks on and around the authorship of her debut novel, Pleasure Beach.

Published by Prototype, Helen Palmer’s Pleasure Beach is a queer love story from the North West’s saucy seaside paradise, Blackpool, on one day: 16th June 1999. Written in multiple voices and styles, Pleasure Beach follows the interconnecting journeys and thoughts of three young women over the course of 24 hours and over 18 chapters which are structured and themed in the same way as James Joyce’s Ulysses. Serialised in four instalments (to conclude with its publication on June 16th 2023, “Bloomsday”), and read by the author, Pleasure Beach (Cochlearical) was produced by Dominic Jaeckle and Milo Thesiger-Meacham for Resonance Extra as a part of a rolling series of collaborative broadcasts from Tenement Press and Prototype Publishing, Railroad Flat Radio.

3:45am GMT New!

Body Edit Mind #7

A 22-hour radio project in 7 episodes by Milo Thesiger–Meacham. An unnamed narrator moves house and pieces together a world of recording devices, names, crime, real-world characters and media from across the globe, featuring 10-second audio extracts from over 6000 individual videos found online, original sound recordings, music, hand-held camera audio and writing. Commissioned by the European Capital of Culture, Esch2022 for the temporary radio art station Radio Art Zone. Follow Fox Neame for more.

6:26am GMT

Gluesock by Aghnie

"I knew they would see the light of the day, in twisted and distorted ways. Now that they have fully blossomed (after tireless readjustments that they had to go thru in my hands), they are free to foray into the universe."

Gluesock is entirely comprised of new sounds (conceived initially as small bits of sound), which Aghnie has been experimenting with over the course of several months.

7am GMT Monthly on the Second Tuesday at 8pm

First Terrace #24 - Annea Lockwood

In this episode, Joe & Alex invite the prolific composer, field recordist, sound-sculptor and deep listener Annea Lockwood to the show. She provides an insight into a selection of her works from the past 50 years, as well the work of her late partner Ruth Anderson, who’s debut album ‘Here’ was released by Arc Light Editions this year.

A selection of experimental frequencies, interviews and sessions plus cuts from the First Terrace label by Alex Ives (Specimens) and Joe Summers.

9am GMT New!

Colliding Lines #6 - Rita Says & Reuben Kyriakides

In this episode, we spend two hours with two artists – Rita Says, who with her Orchestra revives and reclaims 20th century experimental classics in the spirit of their modern punk equivalents; and Reuben Kyriakides, elusive composer-producer whose diverse portfolio includes dance scores, hip-hop, alternatively tuned piano, and at least one sound installation about Billy Elliot.

Colliding Lines present live sessions, cross-genre collaborations and left-field recordings drawn from the London, UK and international experimental scenes; a long-form love letter to recorded audio as soundtrack, as sound art and as storyteller.

11am GMT New!

First Light's Third Space #17 - Liis Ring & Ayami Suzuki

This episode features mixes by Liis Ring (Rapina, Estonia) and Ayami Suzuki (Tokyo).

In the first half of the episode, Liis Ring sketches us a sonic portrait of Räpina - a small town in the South East of Estonia. In among field recordings collected on her walks around the town and original music recorded in her grandmother's shed, Ring shines a light on the musical heritage of the area via folk tunes (sung in the local dialect) and new adaptations of traditional pieces.

The second half sees Ayami Suzuki explore the sounds of life in Tokyo; the hum of train station platforms, the buzz of cicadas in the forest, the summer tradition of the Awa Odori dance. Nestled among these sounds are selections from the city's contemporary experimental music scene.

Each month, First Light Records invites two artists to take an unplanned journey with a microphone around their city to curate an hour-long mix. Each show captures the unique atmosphere of a city from each artist's perspective, through music and found sound.

1pm GMT Monthly

Dronica #55 - Dronica Meets Rick Vayo

Dronica meets event curators, creative directors and labels owners in 2021.

In this episode, Dronica meets Rick Vayo, co-founder and curator of Inveterate, an independent label based in London and founded by Tapefeed.

Rick Vayo is 1/2 of Tapefeed who started the solo project to release music material with no sonic boundaries in order to be able to experiment with sound further by blending genres and giving voice to all his different musical influences.

With Inveterate they will be focusing on releasing and supporting artists that share their sonic views and that can help them shape the label sound further with the aim of pushing the boundaries of techno by inviting producers to break the rules, to think outside the box, pushing creativity, and thus finding new and unexpected elements. Ultimately, they want to bring freshness and novelty to this genre and to their scene.


Nicola Serra, founder of East London's experimental music festival Dronica, presents new and archival material.

3pm GMT New!

Estuary Magic #8

On the long term effects of hiding. One of hour bee music by Ben Drew with additional vocals samples by Vito Acconci, Isla Cameron, Arianne Churchman and some people of YouTube.

Communiques from Thanet Tape Centre, Hard drive sludge. audio tidal pools. Music sediment. Friends utterances, sea walls of noise, salt marsh drone.

4pm GMT New!

walkplacedistancetime #7 - A Walk Round Contención Island

Welcome to walkplacedistancetime.

Walking, movement in place, in air, distance through time.

Today’s episode is A Walk Round Contención Island.

28 days. November 2020. A second lockdown. Having spent the spring lockdown creating Contención Island I now walk its shoreline. From the island centre 28 equal angles radiate to 28 stretches of coastline – all different lengths – in random sequence I walk one each day, clockwise, rebuilding the island across time.

embodiment -:- walking human movement -:- place more-less natural -:- distance time over across -:- field recording -:- poetry -:- composition -:- martin p eccles

5pm GMT

The Field Recording Show #11 - The Voice

This episode explores the voice. It features interviews with US academic and author Dominic Pettman and Australian sound artist Gail Priest. Dominic discusses his book Sonic Intimacy, which explores who and what is given a voice, and how we might expand our capacity to listen. Gail Priest outlines her approach to incorporating her voice into her work, detailing both her successes and challenges. Our artist showcase features the Japanese artist Rhucle.

Photo: Gail Priest

The Field Recording Show is a programme exploring the soundscape, recording, listening and composing hosted by Kate Carr and Luca Nasciuti.

6pm GMT

Earth Tones #8

Glasgow-based Bobby Jewell presents a series of ambient mixes for Resonance Extra with guest features by musicians and artists.

7pm GMT Weekly on Wednesday at 7pm

Naviar Broadcast #295 - Last Bloom Before Autumn

This episode features music made by Naviar’s community inspired by John Wright’s poem “Last bloom before autumn / Stares back at me with a smile / My younger brother”.

To have your music featured on the show, participate in the Haiku music challenge.

Thirty minutes of experimental music made in response to a weekly haiku poem, curated by Marco Alessi of Naviar Records and Naviar's international community of composers.

7:30pm GMT

The Wire: Adventures In Music and Sound # 23rd November 2023

In this episode, Emily Bick plays JJJJJerome Ellis, Tara Clerkin Trio, Yara Asmar, DK Harrison, Mr Doug Doug, Sombat Simla, and more.

New music with The Wire Magazine.

9pm GMT Monthly / First Tuesday / 8pm

Discrepancies #54

Discrepancies is a global showcase of disparate music with a focus on earthly field recordings and international sounds, curated by the Discrepant record label, presented by Gonçalo F Cardoso.

10pm GMT Weekly

Maximum Rocknroll Radio #1885

In this episode, Rob rips through some new releases, flies over Boston, hits it hard with some crusty hardcore and gives a shoutout to the upcoming Lie Detector Fest.

Maximum Rocknroll Radio is a weekly radio show and podcast featuring DIY punk, garage rock, hardcore, and more from around the world. A rotating cast of DJs pick the best of the best from MRR's astounding, ever-growing vinyl archive. You can find MRR Radio archives, specials and more on their website.

11pm GMT Twice-Monthly, First and Third Thursday at 6pm BST

female:pressure #128 - Ana María Romano G

Ana María Romano G is a Colombian composer and interdisciplinary sound artist. Her creative interests center around acoustic and electroacoustic media and participation in interdisciplinary projects involving contemporary dance, video dance, performance and live arts.

Her creative interests stem in the intersection of gender, sound and technology, listening, soundscape, noise, experimentation, improvisation, cyberspace, body and the political dimension of the creative. Her artistic works have been featured in festivals and published in physical support and by several netlabels in Latin America, Europe, North America, and Asia.

Currently, she teaches at Universidad El Bosque and Universidad de Antioquia. She is the coordinator of the Plataforma Feminista En Tiempo Real (Feminist Platform En Tiempo Real) dedicated to the encounter between sound and technology with focus on women and LBTQ+.

She has been nominated to the CLASSICAL NEXT INNOVATION AWARD 2019 (Holland) for the work of making visible the work of women in the field of experimental sound creation with technologies through the Festival En Tiempo Real.

Twice-monthly broadcast showcasing electronic music produced by members of the female:pressure international network of female, transgender and non-binary artists practising in the fields of electronic music and digital arts.

Midnight GMT New!

Shuffle #14 - Shape of You

In this episode, get ready to listen to the weirdest and most mind-blowing covers and drifts of Shape of you by Ed Sheeran. There's no order, no lists, only stilted and exclusive material.

Users of google translate, notes alterers, carnatic indians contemporary, cumbia lovers, chemists and physicists, flute duets… all are welcome in Shuffle formula radio mode.

This episode features a special guest, Malinda K. Reese, with her project Twisted Translations.

Shuffle by Agnès Pe is a formula radio programme taken to the extreme: repetitive, obscure and humorous. Each episode presents obscure covers of a single song. “Anything that spreads by imitation or spreads by bodily reproduction, like genes, or by viral infection is a meme” - (Richard Dawkins, 2013).

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