Where The Dead Voices Gather #14

with Paul Nataraj
Wednesday 28th August 2024 23:00 - 00:00 BST

Where the Dead Voices Gather is an indeterminate process driven radio experiment that uses the book 'Where The Dead Voices Gather' by Nick Tosches as its starting point. Songs are chosen from a series of libraries based on the structure of a haiku. Each show has 17 songs / sounds therefore each show represents a sonic haiku. Where the Dead voices gather is exploring the sonic potentials of written text and the indeterminate.


  1. H/E: Herbie Hancock - Eye of The Hurricane (1965) (personal collection)
  2. M/I: MycroTom - Iquitos Bird (20?) (free download)
  3. T/Y: Toshiro Mayuzumi - Y (1953) (ubuweb)
  4. M/N: Murat - Nature (2012) (PennSound)
  5. E/N: ES Waves - Nul NUx X (2015) (Soundcloud)
  6. I/N: ISUEMDM - Noah Stiltner (20?) (Student work)
  7. W/O: Barry White - Oh Love, Well We Finally Made It (1974) (charity shop)
  8. V/E: Ivo Vivic - European Robin (20?) (field recording)
  9. I/D: Akira Ifukube - Destroy all Monsters (1986) (OST)
  10. O/M: Omadhaun - Muggins (2011) (British Library Sound)
  11. R/A: Robbie Basho - A NOrth American Raga (1971) (Contributed by Peter Barnard)
  12. I/N: Irreversible Entanglements - No Mas (2022) (Contributed by Peter Barnard)
  13. U/N:Ultraviolence - North Korea Goes Bang (2009) (Contributed by Tashi Iwaoka)
  14. N/E: Neu - E Musik (1975) (Contributed by Acoustic Mirror)
  15. P/U: Passage - Unstrung Harp (2004) (Contributed by Gareth A Hopkins) 16.A/T: Andrew Mbaruk - Th'Soul (2021) (Contributed by Gareth A Hopkins) 17.I/S - Loop / Prepare (2022) (P.Nataraj)
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