Unexplained Sounds #357

with Raffaele Pezzella
Wednesday 5th February 2025 01:30 - 02:30 GMT

A selection of new experimental music and sound work from the international underground network Unexplained Sounds, curated by Raffaele Pezzella (Sonologyst).

This episode features new music by X-NAVI-ET - R. IWANSKI, Pentameth Demon, John Oliver, PureH, Antonin De Bemels, VIRUS2020, Bjørn Jenkins, Nerthus, Anda Volley and While.


X-NAVI-ET - R. IWANSKI - Fascinomas (2025)
Pentameth Demon - Hymn 2 (2024)
John Oliver - Remembering Beauty 7-3 (2024)
PureH - Tetragram (2024)
Antonin De Bemels - Rêvé de Toi (2024)
VIRUS2020 - A Sad Man / Dust (2025)
Bjørn Jenkins - Space Temples Caving (2025)
Nerthus - Incomprehensible Colours (2024)
Anda Volley - Domestic Anther (2025)
While - Wayfinder (2025

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