Unexplained Sounds #334

with Raffaele Pezzella
Sunday 28th January 2024 22:00 - 23:00 GMT

A selection of new experimental music and sound work from the international underground network Unexplained Sounds, curated by Raffaele Pezzella (Sonologyst).

This episode features music by Kantele Voices, ASDB, Zach Zinn, Irving Paul Pereira, vÄäristymä, Wukir Suryadi, Richard Bégin, Mario Lino Stancati, Vongoiva, Wave Resistance + |​|​.​|​|, ЧЕРНИХОВ - CERNICHOV, Philippe Blache and Cognition Delay.


Kantele Voices – Otsihumba (2024)
ASDB - Trying Not To Try Too Much (2022)
Zach Zinn - Disintegration Mandalas (2024)
Irving Paul Pereira - ampheng went to jazz (2023)
vÄäristymä – Painovoimakeskittymä (2024)
Wukir Suryadi - Dark night of the soul (2023)
Richard Bégin - Hystérésis (2024)
Richard Bégin – La commande centralisée (2024)
Mario Lino Stancati - It comes with the Fall (2024)
Vongoiva – Palovankka (2023)

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