Tse Tse Fly Middle East # November 2019

with Simon Coates
Monday 4th December 2023 01:30 - 03:30 GMT

Tse Tse Fly Middle East was a nonprofit arts and activist organisation that existed from 2015 until 2023. Throughout that time, it presented a monthly two-hour radio programme showcasing sound art and experimental music from the Middle East, India and North Africa.


Sarah Haras - Chandelier - Bahrain (2019)
Adnan Samman - I Don't Know Where I Stand - Jordan (2015)
Zahra Paracha - I Need Space - Pakistan (2016)
Albaitil Ashwai - Ya Aleem - Jordan (2018)
Amro - Lutfi's Dialogue - Palestine (2018)
Yung Raz - 6 30 AM - India (2019)
Ape Echoes - Monkey See - India (2017)
Youssef Abouzeid - Ah Bagaro2 - Egypt (2019)
Bawari Basanti - Express - India (2019)
Telepoetic - Ensehab - Egypt (2015)
Cherrish - Furniture - Pakistan 92018)
Sunyata - Breathing Hums - India (2013)
Deciphering Stars - Lifting Spirits From the Desert - Egypt (2016)
Salty Prawn - Apsara - India (2019)
Nour Sokhon – Keynote Speaker – Lebanon (2019)
Dinelka Liyanage - Let Us Think About Something - Sri Lanka (2018)
Saba Alizadeh - Dream - Iran (2018)
Dirar Kalash - Redthrough - Palestine (2019)
Nilufar Habibian - Hush Little Baby - Iran (2019)
Ritza - Shuk - Egypt (2019)
Ezzthetix - Warm Bodies - India (2016)
Particlestorm - Birth Of A Dying Star - India (2016)
Hania - Volatile Bodies - Egypt (2019)
Matahat - Bul Majd - Palestine (2018)​

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