Tse Tse Fly Middle East # July 2020

with Simon Coates
Tuesday 18th March 2025 00:00 - 02:00 GMT

Tse Tse Fly Middle East was a nonprofit arts and activist organisation that existed from 2015 until 2023. Throughout that time, it presented a monthly two-hour radio programme showcasing sound art and experimental music from the Middle East, India and North Africa.


The Anatomy Of Melancholy - Comedy Life Track - Iran (2018)
Parisa Deylaman - Requiem - Iran (2020)
3xOJ - Konets - Morocco (2020)
Tawoos - Dünya Yok Ediyor - Egypt (2020)
72na - Injection - Egypt (2020)
Sina Nosrati - Vision - Iran (2020)
Abdalrahman Adel - 4 - Egypt (2020)
Siavash Hakim - Michael - Iran (2020)
Afrikence - Saperlipopette - Morocco (2020)
row8 - Black & White is Drowning - India (2019)
Dirar Kalash - Dynamisims (excerpt) - Palestine (2020)
Owl Tree-O - On and On - Sri Lanka (2019)
Diversion Ahead - B1402 - India (2019)
Mikael Seifu - Purpos - Ethiopia (2018)
EL KemeK - Flowers Shower - Egypt (2018)
Jamshid Jahrominejad - Improvisation - Iran (2020)
El Waili - Haram - Egypt (2020)
Huda Asfour - Yalli Bo'dek - Palestine (2018)
Essperx - Biscitto - Egypt (2020)
Ghoula - Bambara - Tunisia (2020)
Flowers On Both Ears - Pheonix Zeylanica - Sri Lanka (2020)
GAAD - The Stones That Don't Hear Music - Egypt (2020)
Ahmed Saleh - Titre - Egypt (2013)
Ahmed Goher - Hebi Haba - Egypt (1980)

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