Tse Tse Fly Middle East # August 2017

with Simon Coates
Tuesday 9th April 2024 00:00 - 02:00 BST

Tse Tse Fly Middle East was a nonprofit arts and activist organisation that existed from 2015 until 2023. Throughout that time, it presented a monthly two-hour radio programme showcasing sound art and experimental music from the Middle East, India and North Africa.


Unravel This - Jouska - India (2017)
Ana and Dada - Train - Egypt (2017)
Wirephobia - Nergiz - Iraq (2016)
Ahmed Saleh - Titre - Egypt (2013)
Nadim Mishlawi - Dream 5 - Lebanon (2014)
Dina Hani - Sudani Fish - Egypt (2013)
Sister - Tongue - India (2017)
Telepoetic - Nova - Egypt (2016)
Muthoni Drummer Queen - Kenyan Message - Kenya (2017)
Sonita Alizadeh - New Son - Afghanistan (2017)
Bey Ler Bey - Sur Un Lit De Miroir - Lebanon (2014)
Sote - Copanic - Iran (2014)
Burial Dust - Where Is Your Rahmaa - Bangladesh (2016)
Takhroba - Last Breaths - Egypt (2016)
DJ Su Real - Fitness Pump - India (2017)
Reza Solatipour - Surviving the Darkness - Iran (2016)
El Shandrabola - Blax - Egypt (2016)
Project Unseen - 3 48 - Turkey (2017)
FRKTL - Fire Upon The Deep - Egypt (2017)
Sandunes - That's Been Following Me - India (2016)
Rizan Said - High Tension Zamer - Lebanon (2015)
Hagar Masoud - Parallel Time - Egypt (2017)
Khyam Allami - Fold 1 - Syria (2017)
Ibrahim Najada - Work Machine - Jordan (2017)
Cheikha El Wachma - Sid El Hakem - Algeria (1984)​

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