The Wire: Adventures In Music and Sound # All Tomorrow's Yesterdays

Thursday 21st December 2023 21:00 - 23:00 GMT

New music with The Wire Magazine.

In this winter holiday special, Chris Bohn and special guest host Anla Li – music and culture writer and Wire contributor, and former manager of B10 Live, Shenzhen – explore pathways into Chinese music opened up since attending the Tomorrow Festival in Shenzhen in 2015.


TAT 锈 - Rusty Nail 锈钉子
The Other Two Comrades 另外两位同志 - System Developers Trapped 2 系统开发人员被困2
Chunyang Yao 姚春旸 - A Naxi doze
33EMYBW - The Unheard Southern Moutains 南山其音
Sheng jie aka Gogoj 盛洁 - (Drala Magpon) 達拉梅波
Wu Quan 武权 百花之外 初时行想
Vavabond ⻙玮 - 胎藏
The river, Orchestration, Walkman! - 河边走 Burning Paper 烧纸
Shenggy 沈静 - Yes No Maybe 是,或者,不是
Chen Dili 陈底里 - Crash 碰撞
MAI mai 卖卖 - Across The Universe
张浅潜 Zhang Qianqian - July 七月天
Wang Xiao 王啸 - The Long Exile 远走他乡
The Nutcrackers 胡桃夹子 - Tree Monster 树妖
Lao Dan 老丹 - The Shadow Of Pine Tree 松影
Lo Sirong 罗思容 - Follow mother to dance 跈等阿姆跳舞
Top Floor Circus 顶楼的⻢戏团 - Money Ruins A Relationship, Yet A Relationship Ruins Money And The
Relationship 谈钞票伤感情谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情
Li Jianhong 李剑鸿 - Burnout 倦怠
Susu Yeh 叶树茵 - My depression(live) 我的忧郁 (Live)
otay:onii 施金豆 - Blackheart Breakables
The Fly 苍蝇 - Real Ass 现实的屁股
Mamer & IZ - Two Rivers

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