The Parish News #282

with Andy Backhouse
Thursday 6th February 2025 23:00 - 01:00 GMT

Andy Backhouse presents a two hour show of new and unusual music and sounds - playing everything from free jazz to field recordings. This is an open-format show with a difference.


Vessels to Motherland / MACHINE LIEDER / Lullaby for Democracy
Matilde Meireles / Life of a Potato / Roughly 53 Steps
Movietone / Peel Sessions 1994-1997 / Heatwave Pavement
Ghédalia Tazartès / Gospel et le râteau / Andante
Ale Hop / Why Is It They Say A City Like Any City? / The Mountain That Eats Men
Gerald Fiebig / Voiceworks / Herbstblätter II (1)
Statski / MAp 20 / Memories Stirred
Robert Normandeau / Mélancolie / Melancholia
Aphex Twin / Syro / PAPAT4 (pineal mix)
Carlo Domenico Valyum / Cronovisione Italiana / Oggi Al Parlamento
Junior Girls, St. John's School, Workington (1961) / Children's Singing Games / Poor Mary Sat A-Weeping
Patrick Franke / Black Water, White Rocks / BLACK WATER, WHITE BOULDERS – 19.12.2016, 4:25pm
Matthew Halsall / Colour Yes / Colour Yes
Opening Performance Orchestra, Bill Laswell, Iggy Pop ft. William S. Burroughs, Martina Potucková & Alfred Sabela / The Acid Lands / The Acid Lands
Alessandra Eramo / Tracing South / Really very gut! (nocturne)
Explosions In The Sky / The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place / First Breath After Coma

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