The Parish News #238

with Andy Backhouse
Sunday 24th March 2024 12:00 - 14:00 GMT

Andy Backhouse presents a two hour show of new and unusual music and sounds - playing everything from free jazz to field recordings. This is an open-format show with a difference.


Todd Anderson-Kunert / You Promised / Taken (part 1)
J/L Duo featuring Adrian Knight and Frew Elfineh Taha / Ismalfa / Ismalfa B I
Conrad Schnitzler & Wolfgang Seidel / Music is not language. Neither is it painting. Just music. / Music is not language. Neither is it painting. Just music.
Christopher A. Williams & Liminar / On Perpetual (Musical) Peace? / A Musik (quartet)
TERRITOIRE / Étude de la profondeur / Étude de la profondeur
Skarbø Skulekorps / Dugnad / Hei
@c / GML Variations / GML var. 1
Jos Smolders / Submerge-Emerge / Frontispiece
Beatriz Ferreyra / Souvenirs Cachés / Innermost / Souvenirs Cachés
Andrew Backhouse / Tape Works vol. 1 / Sifflements Et Froissements Sur Le Mer de Nord Réel
Niklas Adam / Undulate / Gestures, Percussion Solo, Jungle
Spaces Sound / Bereich / The Tide
Luke Vibert / The Cosmic Forces of Mu / Funky Acid Stuff
Randi Pontoppidan & Thomas Buckner / Voicescapes / Hide
Aisha Orazbayeva / Music for Violin Alone / Koan

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