SubPhonics #13 - @

Saturday 19th October 2024 04:00 - 05:00 BST

Quarterly noise from SubPhonics exploring themes of collaborative sound and performance.

We’re back with new music for the first time this year! After laying the foundation for the show throughout last year we have decided to explore a new route: as we are a collective of individuals and not strictly a homogenous ensemble this year we’d like to use the platform to explore each members individual practice.

Every couple of months or so a member will “take over” the sessions for the month and guide us in the work we produce. For this month, we have taken early anarchist texts as inspiration and material to work with and against the music we make. Each member reads a text in their native language and we explore the dynamic of knowing and not knowing through improvisation.

We Are actively looking to expand our group of collaborators and more permanent members, If you’d like to work with us or would like to book us for a show then please contact Jamie on

Artwork by Erin Robinson.

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