Socialist Realness #7

Sunday 11th August 2024 09:00 - 10:00 BST

Socialist Realness is a mix series by GAJEK focusing on avant-garde and electronic music produced in the GDR and shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

This episode features music by Aponeuron, Corp Cruid I, Expander Des Fortschritts, Pik Duzfuß and more.


Aponeuron - Suchen Und Grübeln
Corp Cruid I - Kolga
Expander Des Fortschritts - Der Fremde Freund
Pik Duzfuß - Gozen Um Gazk
Flake & Piet - Ulrike
Antominos - Kohmeni Twist
Sometimes It Snows In April - Einst
Karl-Marx-Stadt Studio Big Band - Außenposten
Corp Cruid I - Pablo Picasso
Tumor Traudels - Boxer
O&V - When I am I am Not

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