Resonance Radio Orchestra # 'Score For Open Heart Surgery On Charlie Watts'
Sunday 24th March 2024 14:30 - 15:10 GMT
The Resonance Radio Orchestra is a floating pool of musicians, engineers, sound-effects creators, actors, writers, composers and broadcasters devoted to making live radio-art. It is based in central London as the in-house artistic wing of Resonance104.4fm, under the direction of Ed Baxter.
Score for Open Heart Surgery on Charlie Watts was commissioned by and recorded live at Radiophrenia, CCA, Glasgow, on the 16th April 2015. Thanks to Barry Burns and Mark Vernon. It features Tam Dean Burn (voice), Ed Baxter (bass, music box), Peter Lanceley (electric guitar, voice), Kim Moore (viola), Michael Umney (electric guitar), and Mark Vernon (electronics, objects, etc). Text by Ed Baxter.