Radio Art Zone Book Party

Wednesday 27th December 2023 12:00 - 16:30 GMT

An evening of performances broadcast live from Iklectik on the 4th November 2023, to mark the launch of the epochal Radio Art Zone book, edited by Sarah Washington. This wide-ranging publication (on sale tonight) explores the central themes, concepts and techniques of artist-made radio, emerging from over 20 years of practice in the field.

It brings to the page live long-form works from the world’s largest exhibition of radio art, which took place as part of the European Capital of Culture Esch2022. Interspersed with micro-essays on radio form, practice and poetics, and illustrated throughout with unique images, the book performs an exquisite transformation from airwaves to paper and provides a treasury of ideas about radio as art.

Featuring (GMT):

  • 18:00: Batophone - 'Ultrasonic Gramophonics' (bat detectors and wind-up gramophones)

  • 18:15: Caroline Kraabel, Sofia Vaisman Maturana & Rowland Sutherland (saxophone, cello, flute and voices)

  • 18:30: Ed Baxter with Steffan Cennydd - 'A hood-shy haggard' (In memoriam Willem de Ridder) (voice, music and sfx)

  • 19:00: Catherine Kontz (prepared piano and dictaphones)

  • 19:15: Dan Wilson - 'Miraculous Agitations' (lecture with visuals)

  • 20:00: Shortwave Collective - Hannah Kemp-Welch & Georgia Muenster (voice and sounds)

  • 20:15: Chris Weaver & Adam Bohman (microtape recordings)

  • 20:30: Tricia & Sebastian - ‘Lucier in the Sky with Diamonds’ (piano, teapot and radio)

  • 21:00: Nichola Scrutton (voice)

  • 21:15: Xentos Fray Bentos & John Glyn (mayhem and saxophone)

  • 22:00: King Alfaman & Needle Boy (electronics and record player)

  • 22:15: Houseband

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