Radia #990 - The Whole World Stopped for a Balloon by Joana Risteska & Stefan Alijevikj

Radia Network
Monday 8th April 2024 09:00 - 09:30 BST

Members of Radia, the international group of independent cultural radio stations, explore new and forgotten ways of making radio.

This episode is contribution by Kanal 103.

The Whole World Stopped… is a collaborative compilation of field recordings, a patchwork of making music and narrating, underedited ad hoc experiment, and also a celebration of friendship, a soundscape where two friends meet—Joana and Stefan, both of them colleagues at Kanal 103.

Joana is a multi-instrumentalist, though her main focus is classical guitar. She does use both classical and electric guitar throughout the recording, as well as bontempi electro-acoustic keyboard and goblet drum. Three minutes into this experimental piece, you can hear Stefan’s voice, first telling about a street scene he witnessed downtown Skopje, then reading a poem from Elizabeth Bishop (“At the Fishhouses”) and a short story from Franz Kafka (“Before the Law”). Finally, in the conclusion, a fusion of washing machine centrifuge and a mandola played with a violin bow.

The work is an undisguised communication between music and storytelling, scarcely premeditated, if at all. Most of it is recorded at Partizan Print, a studio of independent artists in Skopje, and very good friends and collaborators with Kanal 103.

Created by Joana Risteska, classic guitar master and multi-instrumentalist, and Stefan Alijevikj, fiction writer and sound seeker. You can follow their radio shows on Kanal 103 Sunday and Tuesday evenings respectively.

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