Radia #977 - CONTINUUM by Roberto Paci Dalò

Radia Network
Saturday 23rd December 2023 14:00 - 14:30 GMT

Members of Radia, the international group of independent cultural radio stations, explore new and forgotten ways of making radio.

This contribution comes from Usmaradio.

A collaborative network radio performance conceived by Roberto Paci Dalò and performed at Tactus Radio Festival, Republic of San Marino and worldwide, December 2023. Broadcast on Usmaradio together with a global network of radio stations.

Live performers: Gaia Ginevra Giorgi, L’Impero della Luce, NicoNote, Roberto Paci Dalò, Tobia Bandini, Vittoria Assembri, Anna Friz, alien productions (Andrea Sodomka and Robert Math), Bauhaus Radio Ensemble (Tilman Böhnke, Fritzi Buhtz, Adrian Ciesielski, Lefteris Krysalis, Finn Röhmer-Litzmann, João Afonso Soares Leiria Parreira Ticão, Amir Shokati, Karlotta Sperling).

The challenge was to work on radical improvisation without any conduction and prior rules, giving maximum freedom to the participants. Most of the artists – performing from different locations – didn’t know each other and actually never talked to each other before the performance and were performing together on-site in the Republic of San Marino and remotely from the USA, Germany, and Austria.

The result was surprising. Subtle sound textures with amazing moments of silence despite the massive use of live electronics. The performance somehow proved that the planned lack of conduction can be balanced by the level of attention and involvement from the performers. It was a mesmerizing immersion in an acoustical world where electronics graciously merged with acoustical instruments and voices. A nocturnal winterreise across galaxies.

CONTINUUM aimed to bring together both independent and broadcasting corporations in order to act in our present and investigate the possibilities of today’s technologies. A suivre…

General coordination by Alessandro Renzi. Mixed by Lorenzo Ricci. Mastered by Alessandro Renzi.

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