Radia #1009 - Kaggen by Pä

Radia Network
Saturday 24th August 2024 16:00 - 16:30 BST

Members of Radia, the international group of independent cultural radio stations, explore new and forgotten ways of making radio.

This episode is a contribution by Radio Zero, Lisboa.

Kaggen is a demiurge and folk hero of the San people of Southern Africa. He is a trickster god who can shape shift, usually taking the form of a praying mantis but also a bull eland, a louse, a snake, and a caterpillar.

This piece — inspired by this entity and informed by the elementary principles of neural synthesis — consists of a collage stemming from a series of recording sessions, employing both field recordings and phrases/ phonemes generated by a circuit of analogue components arranged in order to achieve self-generative feedbacks.

(Paulo da Fonseca and Filipa Campos) started making music as a duo in Lisbon, back in 2015. The sound sources/ studying tools they took on consisted mainly of analogue synthesizers. From then on, pä has become a place of ongoing study, research and experimentation blending historically informed electroacoustic music, poetry, field recordings, graphic design, deep listening music and sound installations.

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