Quintavant / QTV Series #16

with QTV
Friday 19th July 2024 10:00 - 12:00 BST

Investigations of the Brazilian experimental music scene via Rio De Janeiro's Quintavant label in collaboration with Audio Rebel. With live performances and exploratory sounds produced in the context of Brazil's strange political situation, curated by Francisco Mazza, Bernando Oliveira and Pedro Azevedo.

In this episode, Quintavant continues its series of concerts recorded during the Festival Novas Frequências, the seventh edition of which took place December in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This time: William Basinski: A Shadow in Time, recorded live in the Church of Carmo da Lapa; Marcos Campello, one of the greatest Brazilian guitar players that appeared last decade; and his last record, Onda de Beleza Natural. Plus two records released by Propósito Recs: Crunch Soar Rinse Repeat, Jonathan Gall’s new work and Armando Nascimento de Jesus, also known as “Fazedor de Presépio” with Xinelah dih Mankuh.


  1. Jonathan Gall: “Crunch, Soar, Rinse, Repeat” (Propósito Recs; 2018)
  2. Armando Nascimento de Jesus a.k.a Fazedor de Presépio: “Xinelah dih Manku” (Propósito Recs; 2017) (excerpt) Marcos Campello: Onda de Beleza Natural
  3. “dadinho do demo” (s/g; 2017)
  4. “toque fino da jibóia” (s/g; 2017)
  5. “catagraveto” (s/g; 2017)
  6. “caravelas da paixão” (s/g; 2017)
  7. “olho de sulfite” (s/g; 2017)
  8. “vim de tristão da cunha” (s/g; 2017)
  9. “do capiroto” (s/g; 2017)
  10. William Basinski: A Shadow in Time Live at Igreja do Carmo da Lapa / Festival Novas Frequências 7th Edition (12/08/2018)

Recorded and mixed by Renato Godoy, post-mix by William Basinski

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