Out From Under - Archival: 1970s (Part Two)

with Stuart Buchanan
Thursday 7th July 2016 23:00 - 00:00 BST

Hosted by Stu Buchanan, Out From Under dives deep beneath the surface of the Australian music scene, celebrating experimental and eclectic music from the far end of the world.

This episode of Out From Under is the second in a series which looks backwards to the early years of experimental music making in Australia. We explore the latter half of the 1970s, taking in the electroacoustic and multi-media collective WATT; early avant-garde work from renowned figure Carl Vine; prototype tape experiments from the foundation days of Severed Heads; Western Australian composer Ron Nagorcka whose work took a turning point on discovering John Cage; incredible acoustic recordings made in grain silos from Ros Bandt (pictured), and tracks from Jon Rose, one of the key influential composers and players in Australian experimental music, free improv and sound art.

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