Out From Under #17 - Archival: 1970s (Part One)

with Stuart Buchanan
Thursday 30th June 2016 23:00 - 00:00 BST

Hosted by Stu Buchanan, Out From Under dives deep beneath the surface of the Australian music scene, celebrating experimental and eclectic music from the far end of the world.

This week’s Out From Under is the first of a strand of episodes that gaze backwards to the early years of experimental music making in Australia, tapping a rich and fertile vein that came to fruition in the late 60s and early 1970s. This is the first of two episodes that explore the Seventies - taking in psych prog rock band Tully, composer Felix Werder, Moog master Martin Wesley-Smith, free improvisation group NIAGARA and the incredible Tristram Cary, whose work underpinned a number of classic science fiction television series, including the first appearance of the Daleks in Doctor Who.

Missed the show? Catch up on Mixcloud.

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