Out From Under #13 - Brainbeau

with Stuart Buchanan
Tuesday 18th March 2025 13:00 - 14:00 GMT

Hosted by Stu Buchanan, Out From Under dives deep beneath the surface of the Australian music scene, celebrating experimental and eclectic music from the far end of the world.

Brainbeau are a Brisbane-based underground electronic duo featuring Chelsey Charlton and Kat Martin, aka Chelvis Chesley and Kat Martian, aka Dust Storm Jogger and X in O, aka Emotional Hoon and El Crumple Dash.

There are vestiges of classic Detroit and Chicago techno in their music, riffing off Warp and Rephlex Not Not Fun and 100% Silk, muddied with a lo-fi aesthetic redolent of a slew of North American tape labels.

In this episode of Out From Under, Stuart Buchanan talks to Chelsey and Kat about Brainbeau and Brisbane, the world they’ve created and now inhabit - a place where they take fun very seriously indeed.

Missed the show? Catch up on Mixcloud.

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