Music for Parking Garages #6 - heavymeta.4pl: Umami Set
Guest mixes selected by Ian Bruner (@ideath_ / @rhizomeparkinggarage).
This episode features Umami Set by heavymeta.4pl:
"Umami means a strong taste that is not sweet, sour, salty, or bitter and that is often referred to as the fifth taste. In Russian, "umami" sounds like "у мамы" that means at mom's house. And for me and many people it`s a real the fifth taste.
It is a mix of different feelings, memories, the present with the past, the past with not your future, your present with a stranger, school hooligans, your favorite childhood series that still plays at your mother's kitchen, first love and all sorts of nostalgia.
This set is based on jingles from cringey Russian TV, mixing various music and speeches that are common in every hood."
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