Mitamine Lab #50 - Mlin Patz

with Mitamine Lab
Saturday 16th December 2023 09:30 - 10:30 GMT

Mitamine Lab is a culture laboratory based in Mexico City which blends sound archives with contemporary music and literature.

This episode features an original radio artwork by Mlin Patz – the solo project of Ukrainian artist Polina Matskevych, a member of Chillera – using sound recorded and composed by the artist, who has captured audio from a web-receiver over the last two months.

The project started in 2015 as an attempt to collage field recordings and electro-acoustic instruments; the debut EP TVRK was released on the platform Система and then, the dubbed 12'' EP Sunlimit on the Muscut label. Now the project has moved on to improvisation and sonic installations.

As the artist finished one project related to the research of radio as an instrument for spreading frequencies and as a source of information, this broadcast is about tradition and how people are using it in retrospect.

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