Mitamine Lab #30 - Fungi

with Mitamine Lab
Monday 17th March 2025 10:00 - 11:00 GMT

Mitamine Lab is a culture laboratory based in Mexico City which blends sound archives with contemporary music and literature.

This show is dedicated to the amazing Fungi World! Inspired by Merlin Sheldrake's book titled 'Entangled Life'. Merlin Sheldrake is a biologist and a writer. He received a Ph.D. in tropical ecology from the University of Cambridge for his work on underground fungal networks in tropical forests in Panama, where he was a predoctoral research fellow of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. He is a musician and keen fermenter.


"Postcards" 葉書 - Kamakura
Entangled Life read by Merlin Sheldrake
Yoshitaka Azuma Azuma (cassette extract)
Nadia Khan - Rain Again
Hans Joachim/Roedelius - Poetry
Julien Boulier - Septime Si Jamais
Julien Boulier - Empreinte Clarte
Merlin Sheldrake, the philosophy of fungi (extract)
Julien Boulier - Figures Inertie
KMRU - Klang
Merlin Sheldrake, the philosophy of fungi (extract)
Carlos Ferreira - Six Postcards & Other Stories
The sound of mushrooms, music from fungi by Michael Prime
Wåveshåper - Expansion Phase II
Christos Chondropoulos - Mechanical Help in the Study of Folksong
Mushrooms as Medicine with Paul Stamets at Exponential Medicine
Dawn Chorus And The Infallible Sea - Drala
Haircuts for Men - The model v2a

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