Merrie Melodias #3 - Anti-discoteque

with Eugenie Galochkin
Saturday 3rd August 2024 12:00 - 13:00 BST

Uzbekistan-based DJ and boss of the experimental ТОПОТ label Eugenie Galochkin presents rare vinyl rips from the Soviet Melodia label. Melodia has released music from all around the world: from obscure Baltic electronica and free jazz from Siberia; to synth-pop from Tajikistan and academic avant-garde from Ukraine. The series will explore how national and cultural characteristics are embedded in musical language.

This episode focuses on the rare experimental and deviant music that can conceptually be called the "dancefloor destroyer". Its narrative unfolds from early electronic, synthesizer and computer music and we discover that the only Soviet major label without any censorship boldly released music in the genres of EBM and no-wave, sympho-prog, acid-opera and even “post-pop”.

This episode is less about the music of all the countries of the Soviet Union – only focusing on Estonia, Latvia and Russia – but is rather my personal poetic statement, representing the diversity of Soviet experimental music in the late 80s and early 90s. This music sounds extremely modern right now. I chose the neo-romantic twist of Nochnoy Prospeckt's Antidisco Song as the main motif of the release, which opens and closes the show.


Ночной Проспект — Антидискотечная песня (Russia, 1987)
Станислав Крейчи — Отголосок Востока (Russia, 1969)
Jaan Rääts — Electronic Marginalia, Op.65-a (Estonia, 1981)
Горизонт — Портрет Мальчика, Сюита В 3-х Частях (Russia, 1989)
Сергей Самойлов — Пришельцы (Russia, 1990)
Михаил Чекалин — Вырванная страница (Russia, 1989)
Андрей Родионов — Игровой Автомат (Стрельба Из Пистолета) (Russia, 1986)
19 Gadi Pirms Sākuma — Nakts Ir Mana Zemapziņa (Latvia, 1990)
NSRD — Darbnīcas (Latvia, 1990)
Владимир Осинский \ Борис Тихомиров — Без Царя в Голове. Опера-блеф (Russia, 1990)
Горизонт — Снежки (Russia, 1986)
Джунгли — Пляска (Russia, 1988)
Иван Соколовский — Полдень (Russia, 1991)
Союз Композиторов — Дзинь, Пин, Мэй (Цветы Сливы В Золотой Вазе) (Russia, 1991)
Ночной Проспект — Антидискотечная песня (Russia, 1987)

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