Maximum Rocknroll Radio #1612

Thursday 7th June 2018 22:30 - 23:30 BST

Maximum Rocknroll Radio is a weekly radio show and podcast featuring DIY punk, garage rock, hardcore, and more from around the world. A rotating cast of DJs pick the best of the best from MRR's astounding, ever-growing vinyl archive. You can find MRR Radio archives, specials and more on their website.


Chain And The Gang - Devitalize
Mope Grooves - Vanishea
Pineapples - Shaken
Great Plains - Love to the Third Power
Aquarium - Consumer
Special Interests - Art Walk
Dream Nails - Vagina Police
Uranium Club - Clowns Got a Gun
Nerve Beat - The Eye
This Kind Of Punishment - From the Diary of Hermann Doubt
No Babies - Someone to Watch Over Me
CCR Headcleaner - Mission Control
Pope Smashers - Pop Culture Dub
Popdefect - Puro Desmadre
Power Age - World War Three
Pork - Wicked Ways
Polvo - Vibracobra
Warm Bodies - Something Weird is Eating Me
Perverts Again - Two-A-Days

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