Littoral Transmissions #52 - Forest River Storm Marsh

Sunday 28th January 2024 00:00 - 00:30 GMT

Littoral Transmissions meander through the sonic landscape of the River Lea from Stonebridge Lock to Leamouth. Recordings from the field converge with layers of sound to create an aural impression of the navigation.

"gnarled roots exposed on mud-moss banks picking through pottery shards

bird songs ring river

river sky fills

moon swims electric

through (t)rains weft-warp current"

Two 15-minute field recordings placed side by side, the first taken on the banks of the River Ching, Epping Forest, a tributary of the River Lea, along which the second recording was made during a storm over Hackney Marshes.

Various sonic techniques were then used to tune into these recordings, obfuscating and teasing out sound patterns, tracing echoes, creating confluences. Additional stump thumping and railing rhythms by Helen Frosi.

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