Lepke B: Looperama #6 - The Cat That Hated People

Friday 22nd March 2024 18:00 - 19:00 GMT

Lepke B's blissful disregard for the sacred in life has placed him as one of the testcard knights with a totally unique approach to sound plunderphonics and visual art.

David Bowie starts this episode of Looperama with chunks of Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf, that are blatantly appropriated ad nauseam, a remix of a remix of Grinderman/U.N.K.L.E - Hyper Worm Tamer and the voice of a cosmonaut from Out of the Present.

Patti Smith reclaims Rock & Roll ... interspersed with The Incredibles, Patti again, and introducing Ygor and his cloud paintings. A variety of bizarre sonic permutations are generated. Tiny Tim emerges unscathed.

At approximately the 43rd minute , Max Ernst speaks ...

Meanwhile - The Cat that Hated People with additional tamperings , via N. Senada,'s "Theory of Phonetic Organization".

"Now, just imagine..."

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