Late Works: By Ear #30

Tuesday 1st October 2024 19:00 - 20:00 BST

The radio counterpart to live intermedia event series Late Works, hosted by founder Joseph Bradley Hill. Each month a selection of artists respond to the show on postcards and send them in as inspiration for the next. Running through the shows are a modular stem experiment in which musicians improvise live to original 15 minute compositions.

"a prod on the brain" - a selection of tracks in response to postcards sent in by Otis Blease, Hannah Buckman & Olivia Sterling, featuring Two Ronnies, Amy Sillman, Patti Smith & Charles Amirkhanian.


Kathryn Beaumont - In a World of My Own (Alice in Wonderland clip)
Betty Noyes - Baby Mine (Dumbo clip)
Joe Pera - Joe Pera Talks You Back to Sleep
Amy Sillman - Radiation
Charles Amirkhanian - Dog
Two Ronnies - Mastermind
Charles Amirkhanian - Church Car
Two Ronnies - Rochdale Ringers
Charles Amirkhanian - Dot Bunch
Two Ronnies - Aldershot Brass Ensemble
Amy Sillman - After Metamorphoses
Patti Smith - Parade

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