Jose Macabra Presents #12 - S.T.A.B. Electronics Retrospective

with Jose Macabra
Friday 15th December 2023 03:30 - 05:32 GMT

Jose Macabra presents solo work and other collaborations.

S.T.A.B. is Keith G Finnan:

"The project was born from the ashes of Einheit 731, which was a darker, more ambient outfit. Initially, S.T.A.B. was meant to be a one-off project, a tribute to Marco Corbelli of Atrax Morgue, who I was in dialogue with before he committed suicide. S.T.A.B. seemed to resonate with people and I was encouraged by Unrest Productions (who I've worked with ever since) to carry on the moniker. So I decided to shelve Einheit 731 and continue as S.T.A.B."

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