Injazero #35 - Stellar Origins and Immortal Destiny Among Innumerable Worlds by ecolagbohrsac2021

Tuesday 6th February 2024 09:00 - 10:00 GMT

Injazero Records founder Siné Buyuka plays a selection of electronic, experimental, ambient and contemporary classical tracks.

This is a mix/mashup by ecolagbohrsac2021, mainly composed of demos in neo-feudal song form, music that has reduced into a mood stabilizer, co-creation beyond the boundaries of one’s present time or location and hyperchaos electronic dance music. It's created to send <3s to luved onez. We are all alive and happy, thx for listening.


c / a - THE PRIMER
Bitchin Bajas and Bonnie "Prince" Billy - You Will Soon Discover How Truly Fortunate You Really Are
Vladislav Delay - Rappa
Meemo Comma - Neon Genesis Title Sequence
c / a - Docile Goetica
Carmen Villain - Two Halves Touching
Jtamul - Pasparlak
Jtamul + ecolagbohrsac2021 modular DIVINATION mashup (imsorryzmix03072021)
DJ Strawberry - dance/music
Blank Wall Season - Between Words
I Am Just A Pupil - Naked and Afraid
Oneohtrix Point Never - Bullet Hell Abstraction mashed w something i can’t remember the name of, sorry - this was captured live at a Mr. Anderson set
Tyaa Gn Liu - how i usually spend my tyme in me room (tosendafriendmix).wav
ecolagbohrsac2021 - MEDIEVAL HYPER POP
Bitchin Bajas and Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Show Your Love and Your Love Will Be Returned
ecolagbohrsac2021 - THE WHITE FOREST (welcome back my child)
Poppy - Pop Music

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